
美 [/ˌperɪˈhilɪən/ ]英 [/ˌperɪˈhiːlɪən/]
  • 网络近日点;称为近日点;经过近日点


periapsis in solar orbit;the point in the orbit of a planet or comet where it is nearest to the sun


  1. But it 's not that simple either , because the dates of the perihelion and aphelion are also shifting .


  2. When perigee and perihelion coincide tidal range is at its greatest .


  3. The Effect of Solar Flattening on the Advance of the Perihelion of Mercury


  4. The anomalistic year is the time between successive transits of the Earth through the perihelion .


  5. In 1859 , Le Verrier discovered the mercury perihelion advance anomaly .


  6. Gravity waves and perihelion deflexion of light


  7. In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion .


  8. The Runge-Lenz Vector and the Perihelion Precession of Mercury Orbit


  9. The point in the orbit nearest the sun is called perihelion , while the point farthest is called aphelion .


  10. ( astronomy ) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion ( as observed from the sun ) .


  11. Lenz vector and perihelion shift


  12. The results suggest that the meteoroid orbits of ordinary chondrites evolved from perihelion of 1.0 AU to 0.9 AU over the last 50 million years .


  13. He also figured out the planet goes faster when it 's at perihelion , nearer the sun , than when it 's at aphelion , its farthest distance .


  14. He also figured out the planet goes faster when it 's at perihelion , nearer the sun , than when it 's at aphelion , its furthest distance .


  15. Although predicting the brightness of comets with any degree of accuracy is very difficult , Hale-Bopp met or exceeded most predictions when it passed perihelion on April 1 , 1997 .


  16. During the period of December 1985 to April 1986 , before and after , perihelion passage of Comet ' Halley , Yunnan Observatory performed the Large-scale phenomena observations in Kunming and .


  17. Some meteorites ( ~ 15 % ) have especially low natural TL , suggesting that they have recently been reheated . These may have come to earth on orbits with particularly small perihelion ( < 0.8 AU ) .


  18. Perihelion is the point in orbit nearest the parent star , and asteroid 2000 BD19 has the smallest orbit , getting incredibly intimate with the giant , hot ball of nuclear explosions that keeps us warm and alive .


  19. Using these equations of motion , we investigate some classical gravitational effects in dilaton spacetime , such as the bending of light rays , the perihelion advance of planet , the delay of radar echo , and the redshifts .


  20. Since the perihelion is only . 092 astronomical units - 1 AU is about how far the Earth is from the Sun , on average - HD19 gets hot . Really hot actually , reaching temperatures that could melt zinc and other metals .


  21. The perihelion of the earth each year is just several days after Christmas Day ( 3 or 4 January ) . So , the distances from the earth to the sun and from the earth to the moon may reach the closest point around Christmas every 4.425 years .
