
  • 网络渗透率;外显率;外显性;外显度
  1. The penetrance and the age of males decreased with the generation .


  2. The suitable nuclear gene type is very important to raise the penetrance of multi-ovary .


  3. Its genetic penetrance is low , being about 20 % ~ 70 % in the pure system .


  4. A Straight Line Penetrance Theory of the Spatial Straight Line Family and Equilibrium Equations of a Rigid Body


  5. Estimating Sample Size and Penetrance Parameters for Case-Control Design of Candidate-Gene Associations


  6. Outline lighting , projection lighting , internal penetrance lighting and intelligent lighting were introduced .


  7. The main inherited mode is autosomal dominant trait with high penetrance , rare autosomal recessive .


  8. There is no intrinsic causal fixed relationship between genotype and phenotype due to incomplete penetrance .


  9. Penetrance of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy in Chinese individuals with mitochondrial DNA 11778 mutation


  10. We examined three families and suggest that it has an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance .


  11. RESULTS : Of the family investigated , an autosomal dominant inheritance mode with high penetrance and variable expressivity was suggested .


  12. The asymptomatic parents were found from one symptomatic member V1 , which suggested incomplete penetrance of the mutation .


  13. The contribution of these mutations to breast cancer risk within any specific population is a function of both their prevalence and their penetrance .


  14. Conclusion : EXT is an autosomal dominant disorder and the penetrance is 97 % in this report .


  15. Polymorphism of low penetrance genes , one of the important material foundations for genetic susceptibility , is associated with breast cancer occurrence in special population .


  16. Another maximum two-point LOD score of 1.227 was obtained at recombination rate of 0 . 085 with 50 % penetrance .


  17. AIM : To investigate the vertical relation of tic disorder with genomic imprinting , and to explore whether there is sex difference in its penetrance .


  18. Although previous hybridization tests proved that polydactyly trait belonged with an autosomal dominant inheritance but the penetrance is difference in offspring populations .


  19. Objective To analyze the penetrance of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) individuals with mitochondrial DNA 11778 mutation in Shanxi .


  20. In addition , given certain estimation precision , sample size and ratio of controls to cases are decided by the values of true penetrance and frequency of the target genotype .


  21. Conclusion : Hereditary gingival fibromatosis in our study is dominantly inherited and presents mainly as non-syndromic form , with high penetrance and variable expressivity .


  22. The incidence of VWS is 1-3 / 30000 , penetrance is 80-94 % .


  23. These low penetrance genes involved in a wide variety of functions including steroid hormone metabolism , detoxification of environment carcinogens , DNA damage repair are associated with breast cancer happen .


  24. Mechanisms of antibiotics resistance includes : ( 1 ) target site modification ;( 2 ) production of inactive enzymes ;( 3 ) decrease of drugs penetrance ;( 4 ) expression of efflux pumps .


  25. The results revealed that the HALE incidence rate in the Chinese genealogical trees was 33.3 % , lower than the 50 % theoretical incidence probability because qf such factors as unfully penetrance and delayed heredity .


  26. In this paper , a unified straight line penetrance theory of the spatial straight line family is proposed , and the problem about types of equilibrium equations of a rigid body under action of general spatial force system and its additional conditions is solved .


  27. The simple segregation analysis indicated that the segregation ratio of PCOS trait in siblings was 0.3023 , the complex segregation analysis indicated that it fitted in with the inheritance model of co dominant disorder with full penetrance and sporadic cases .


  28. Therefore , there are abundant coal bed gas resources in the mining area of Jiaozuo which is relatively higher in the saturation degree and penetrance of coal seam , highly density of resoures , and is helpful for coal bed gas utilization .


  29. Conclusion : The simple congenital microcornea is the human phenotype blemish caused by injured DNA . It is compatible with an autosomal dominant inheritance , and has a certain extent of the penetrance and the expressivity .


  30. The majority ( 83.94 % ) showed sporadic cases , and autosomal dominant inheritance was in 14 . 60 % , including 3 . 16 % with a high penetrance and 11 . 44 % with a low penetrance .
