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  • 网络二氧化碳分压
  1. In addition , pH , arterial pO2 and arterial blood pCO2 were measured with ABL-520 blood gas acid and base analysis meter .


  2. DH-1326 blood-gas Analyzer measures PH , Pco2 and Po2 in the blood making use of the electrodes , offers the reference opinions to salve the patient .


  3. PCO2 is subjected to the carbonate system rather than the biological aerobic respiration .


  4. The distribution of pCO2 in autumn is mainly affected by organic degradation and phytoplankton activity .


  5. Influences of pH and PCO2 of Lidocaine on Epidural Anesthesia


  6. Conclusions : The clinical application of the term potential PCO2 is of practical value for judgement of triple acid-base imbalance .


  7. The results showed that elevated atmospheric pCO2 increased rhizospheric respiration rate and cumulative CO2 emissions during the experimental period .


  8. Note that the compensatory processes cause changes in the pCO2 and [ HCO3 - ] .


  9. Objective Noninvasive estimating the correlation of the mean blood pressure ( MAP ) and varying partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( PCO2 ) in human .


  10. This article finds out regression equation by using least square method , in order to rectify coefficients'errors in measuring PCO2 by pH / blood gas analyzer .


  11. The results show that temperature , organic degradation and phytoplankton activity play important roles in seasonal variation of pCO2 and CO2 flux from autumn to winter .


  12. Only two independent variables Pco2 and pH are needed for determination of the state of each system and the instantaneous dissolution rate of calcite or dolomite .


  13. PO2 , pH and PCO2 of umbilical cord arterial blood had been measured at the time before respiratory of fetus began during cesarean section .


  14. We could find out water environmental condition of the area by analyzing the ion composition and calculating the type of water chemistry , saturation index , PCO2 , combined with groundwater monitoring .


  15. However , although marine planktonic foraminiferal boron isotope has great potential to be a proxy for atmospheric pCO2 , further studies on calibrations are required .


  16. On the other hand , the whole blood viscosity , erythrocyte count ( EC ) and Pco2 increased , Po2 and pH decreased with increasing ischemic duration .


  17. Resuls : PCO2 average value ( 5.90 + 1.55kPa ) was at the highest level of normal range , positively correlated to severity of disease ;


  18. Results : Highly significant correlations were observed between malondialdehyde and xanthine oxidase umbilical pH Pco2 Po2 base excess gestational age and Apgar score at 5 min.


  19. The relativity bias of pH was very little , but the largest bias of PCO2 and PO2 was 17.74 % and 23.52 % , respectively .


  20. Conclusion With the increase of PCO2 , Vm of cerebral major artery increased markedly and the microvascular resistance decreased ; but there are not correlation between the changes of latter two items .


  21. The values of arterial blood gas of fetal lamb were at the physical levels . The pH value decreased significantly and PCO2 increased remarkably after bypass lh ( P < 0 . 05 ) .


  22. The umbilical artery blood gas analysis : pH was ( 7.0 ± 0.1 ) , PO2 was ( 1.7 ± 0.6 ) kPa , PCO2 was ( 8.9 ± 0.7 ) kPa .


  23. Results : PH ? PCO2 and PO2 measured by AVL compact ⅲ type blood-gas apparatus got high precision and accuracy , the coefficients of variation of reproductive test were 0.21 ? 3 16 and 6 17 respectively .


  24. These simulated results well confirmed the observations of 1982 / 1983 , 1986 / 1987 El Nino events : during onset of El Nino the TCO2 and △ PCO2 decrease in the subtropical western Pacific ;


  25. A three-dimensional ocean carbon cycle model and a simple terrestrial biosphere model are used to simulate anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean and terrestrial biosphere under the IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ) scenarios for future atmospheric Pco2 levels .


  26. The research on the karst collapse distribution and the hydrogeochemical environmental characteristics of Guilin city shows that SIc value is closely related to the collapse distribution , secondly pco2 , but the total dissolved solid , the hardness and SID value are weekly related to it .
