passive learning

美 [ˈpæsɪv ˈlɜːrnɪŋ]英 [ˈpæsɪv ˈlɜːnɪŋ]
  • 网络被动学习;被动的学习;被动型学习;座中学
passive learningpassive learning
  1. We should encourage students to change their passive learning into active learning .


  2. Among them , the passive learning of students has become an important inhibiting factor .


  3. In Chinese primary education students ' passive learning is popular for a long time .


  4. In their minds , training means passive learning .


  5. So , people should change their learning attitudes from passive learning to autonomous learning .


  6. The core task of main body teaching is help students make active learning instead of passive learning .


  7. From Passive Learning to Active and Cooperative Learning ── Study on Teaching Model in the New Teaching Transformation of School Education


  8. The core of discovery teaching method asks learners to be automatic learning instead of the passive learning .


  9. Constructivist English teaching can help change the traditional curriculum emphasizing on passive learning and mechanical memorizing .


  10. Student centered activities are aimed at engaging the student in active rather than passive learning .


  11. Use of passive learning of separate language components is less efficient than modern active learning of all components concurrently .


  12. Self-study is relative to passive learning , which means that students learn by themselves under teachers ' instruction .


  13. Research-based learning is one of effective ways to change students ' passive learning approach as well as to promote teachers ' professional growth .


  14. From passive learning to active and cooperative learning & Study on the theories and rules of the teaching reforming of school PE curriculum


  15. In this environment of passive learning , a learner needs to spend four or five years of hard work to speak fluently .


  16. Current research works in video-level annotation usually adopt passive learning , which demand large-scale training data and time-consuming human labeling effort .


  17. Students ' Study by the traditional passive learning into active learning , students have become the study of the owners and learning achievement have been greatly improved .


  18. Implementing the integrated model helpfully enhances the self-consciousness of the students , changing the unitary , passive learning style of the students .


  19. In Wushu teaching , how to stimulate the student 's learning interest and turn their passive learning into active learning is the key to raising the teaching efficiency .


  20. And through experimental verification , Network interactive teaching enables students to learn from passive learning to active learn and cultivate them self-reference , students self-learning ability .


  21. Extracurricular fitness base breach the traditional model of " students learn whatever teachers teach " and change the passive learning and mechanical training to self-conscious exercise .


  22. At present , accustomed to traditional teaching methods and the way of passive learning , high school students of our country are seriously bounded by thinking set in biology study .


  23. This requires students to give up passive learning , to adopt life-long learning , to master scientific learning methods , and thus meeting the demands of this new age .


  24. Activity theory is coming into being during the course of continual criticism on the old education system , which characterized by passive learning and memorizing by rote .


  25. However the spiritualism and creativity of students dies out going with close and passive learning style which results in education dropping far behind the demand of the age .


  26. Autonomic learning is the reflection of juche education idea in the field of teaching . Its real intention is students ' change from passive learning to autonomic learning .


  27. Changing the passive learning style is a basic idea of the curriculum reform in the new century . It is necessary for students ' overall development to change the passive learning style .


  28. Perhaps the all-time winner for passive learning , however , was a student who regularly came to my class with a pillow and fell asleep .


  29. However , there is still the teaching model of the teachers as the center in higher medical education . Under the influence of the model , more and more graduates are in passive learning .


  30. Universities should take two-way interaction and implicitly typed education way , it makes students change from passive learning to active learning , and receives imperceptible education of marxist theory .
