particle accelerators
- n.粒子加速器
- particle accelerator的复数

Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .
Considerations on design principles of interlock system for personal radiation safety at particle accelerators
How to calculate the final speed of charged particles in the particle accelerators
The rule for radiation protection of particle accelerators
Physics of high energy particle accelerators
Methane plants don 't need particle accelerators .
Using particle accelerators , scientists are now hunting for the Higgs .
The Van de Graaff generator later became a key component of the early particle accelerators .
Governments spend billions of dollars on huge particle accelerators to understand the inner workings of atoms .
Their " cosmic rays " are generated by one of CERN 's particle accelerators .
Large scale superconducting magnets and cryogenic systems have been widely used in the particle accelerators and nuclear fusion experimental devices all over the world .
Human research on the microcosm is the motive force behind the development of particle accelerators , which have been advancing towards higher luminosity and better performance .
RF superconducting cavities can work at CW mode or long pulse mode with high accelerating gradient . RF superconducting technology is widely used in particle accelerators .
It has founded a new area in laser plasmas physics and accelerated the ICF , new particle accelerators , microwave weapons , and so on .
And it launched some garage tinkering for Warner , who by day works on improving particle accelerators at Fermilab .
For example , the applications of mass spectrometers , oscilloscopes , TV picture tubes , particle accelerators and other equipments are closely related to this study .
Electron beam ion traps ( EBIT ) are excellent devices for studying highly charged ions . It takes smaller space and lower cost than particle accelerators .
The large-scale superconducting magnets are presently widely used in modern high-energy particle accelerators and nuclear fusion experimental device , which generally operate at liquid helium temperature region .
A team of astronomers said it helped them gain new insight into how the remnants act as the Milky Way 's super-efficient particle accelerators .
EPICS is a set of software tools and applications used worldwide to develop distributed real-time control systems for scientific facilities such as particle accelerators , telescopes and other large scientific experiments .
The Indian centre for advanced technology which was set up under the concerning by the former premier Indira Gandhi was mainly engaged in research of lasers and particle accelerators .
A short-cut method for the solution of the betatron oscillation in particle accelerators is developed to obtain its smooth term and quick oscillation term in whatever order of accuracy desired .
One of the results of the interaction , the electron acceleration in the laser-plasma , is important for its applications such as compact particle accelerators and fast ignition for inertial confinement fusion .
There 's no rush , though , because most of these elements are so unstable that they can be created only in particle accelerators and don 't exist for more than a few minutes .
These include t2k and Minos , both of which use particle accelerators to whip up beams of muon-neutrinos and send them to detectors hundreds of kilometres away .