paper disc

美 [ˈpeɪpər dɪsk]英 [ˈpeɪpə(r) dɪsk]
  • 网络纸盘
paper discpaper disc
  1. Observation of the Rapid Manufactured Paper Disc for Identification of E.Coli Groups


  2. The Bioassay of Clavulanic Acid by Paper Disc Assay


  3. Method Paper disc method and diluting method were used to carry out laboratory observation on its bacteriostatic and antiviral effects .


  4. Method The paper disc diffusion method and suspension quantitative germicidal test with standard strain of P.aeruginosa for comparison were used to carry out laboratory observation .


  5. The microbial inhibition effects of eight natural spice extracts were compared by filter paper disc agar diffusion method . The effects of spice extracts on the shelf life of spiced beef were studied .


  6. The required alkaline pH could be easily maintained with 5M alkaline potassium phosphate buffer during paper disc activation with cyanogen bromide . The nonspecific adsorption of labeled antibody could be reduced by diluting the antibody with homologous animal serum .


  7. In this paper , the Disc and Tape-Based Soft automatically broadcast system performance requirements and development trend of the exposition .


  8. This paper looks the rigid disc and elastic axis as a unit , it would became more reasonable theoretically and easier to program .


  9. After the comparison of the main structures , the paper points out that disc laser and fiber laser will play an important role in laser manufacturing in the future .


  10. These devices include paper , tape , disc , VCD , semi-transistor storage device , integrated circuit chip and any other form which has the capacity to store information .
