Every panto needs a hate figure , and in our everyday lives food and the science behind it is playing the part well .
Uh , I don 't think I did , but you know , if it was a good panto , it might be quite fun .
I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham .
CONCLUSION : Panto and Ome have good therapeutic effects on peptic ulcer .
But the list also included more outlandish aspirations such as appearing in panto and owning a brand new Mercedes .
In view of the existing problems of current electric locomotive pantograph slide plates , a new panto - graph slide plate is developed by using powder metallurgy technology .
RESULTS : After the 4 wk treatment , ulcer healing rates of the gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in Panto group were 88.5 % and 95.0 % , respectively .
One of my first Christmas memories is of being forced to watch my father 's Christmas panto . The sight of him in a sparkly dress , pink high heels and a blonde wig has stayed with me forever .