
  • n.氧化酶
  1. Oxydase reaction was found to be the important differentiating indicator .


  2. Identification of the Two Strains with Iron and Manganese Oxydase Activity and Phylogenetic Analysis


  3. Application of an oxydase swab in rapid differential diagnosis of male acute urethritis


  4. Objective To assess the applied value of an oxydase swab in early differential diagnosis of male acute urethritis .


  5. The results show that the content of soluble protein and the activity of IAA oxydase show difference only between the two lines .


  6. The Results indicated that mercury caused an inhibition of microsomal mixed function oxydase ( MFO ) .


  7. GTE decreased the frequency of SCE induced by oxygen radical in IAR 20 liver cells treated with hypo-zanthine and xanthine oxydase .


  8. To compare with culture method , the sensitivity of oxydase swab was 95.3 % , specificity was 77.5 % , positive prediction values was 94 % , negative prediction values was 81.6 % .


  9. The growth and secretion of angiotensin ⅱ of cultured endothelial cells of pulmonary artery of female young cow ( CPAE ) stimulated by hypoxanthine plus xanthine oxydase were observed .


  10. Methods : To test 600 old people in comparison with the 400 members in healthy group by using urinate sugar test paper to test urinate sugar and using glucose oxydase to test blood sugar and blood sugar 2h after meal .


  11. 2 ) Compared with normal liver , the specific activity of lactate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxydase on cancer bearing mice liver significantly rose up ( P < 0 . 01 ), but , the succinate dehydrogenase had no significant change ( P > 0 . 05 ) .


  12. The results show that : 1 ) The specific activity of succinate dehydrogenase on cancer cells significantly lower than that of the normal ( P < 0 . 01 ); the specific activity of lactate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxydase rose up significantly ( P < 0 . 01 ) .


  13. To detect the recovery of activities of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and cytochrome oxydase ( CCO ) after relief of biliary obstruction , a model of obstructive jaundice was produced on dogs by common bile duct ligation , then biliary drainage was performed by choledochoduodenostomy .
