- n.产卵器

Insect whose female has a saw-like ovipositor for inserting eggs into the leaf or stem tissue of a host plant .
The input sense signals of the hairs on the dorsal valvula of the ovipositor have important function in cricket oviposition behaviour .
Two lateral oviducts formed a common oviduct and opened into the ovipositor .
Insects having two pairs of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging or piercing .
The compare of parasitic wasps ovipositor morphology showed that each species has big difference . The wasps of same host are adaptive convergence in morphology .
The organ the parasitoid uses to make markings is the ovipositor , and the organ of discrimination is the antennae .
88 % of the female wasp inserted their ovipositor at the same place climbed up the same position of the pupa .
The marking pheromone is secreted through the ovipositor after oviposition , and is left on the surface of host eggs as a clue of discrimination .
Active experiments are conducted with ovipositor and gland of female insects as induced source . The results show that ovipositor is one of the positions to release sex information element in which sex information element exist .