
美 [ˈoʊvərˌflaɪts]英 [ˌəʊvəˈflaɪts]
  • n.飞越(他国领空);越界飞行
  • overflight的复数



  • 1
    N-VAR 飞越领空
    An overflight is the passage of an aircraft from one country over another country's territory.

    Nations react strongly to unauthorized overflights.


  1. Naval Sea Systems Command did not respond to a request for information about government rules on overflights of naval shipyards and facilities by Friday afternoon .


  2. Several European countries denied his plane overflight rights because they believed Snowden might be no board .


  3. Nations react strongly to unauthorized overflights .


  4. In one recent week , Japan scrambled fighter jets three times in response to Chinese overflights .


  5. The freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all states in the South China Sea under international law has never been a problem .


  6. US officials are also looking for practical backing from Arab states including money , access to bases and overflight permission for aircraft .


  7. Military overflights have assessed the damage , and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team are beginning to arrive .


  8. U.S.and Turkish officials held talks through the night , but failed to reach an agreement on conditions for the overflights , western diplomats said .


  9. Their overflights are considered by Lebanon as a violation of the UN-brokered ceasefire .


  10. Gary Li , an independent expert on international security matters in Beijing , said the announcement of a possible ADIZ appeared to be a tit for tat in response to the US overflight this month .


  11. The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees , warned Daniel Pinkston , a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group .


  12. Almost all States hold consistent approvals on navigation and overflight conducted only for passing through EEZ . However , tremendous differences are existing between the coastal and large marine States on the military purposes of naval and air military reconnaissance , military survey and exercises , etc. .


  13. At the very beginning of technological spycraft in the late " 50s , with the U-2 overflights , our fear was that the Sputnik was a spy satellite , which it turned out of course not to be , and there was also great suspicion and fear of nuclear holocaust .
