
美 [ˌaʊtˈʃaɪnɪŋ]英 [ˌaʊtˈʃaɪnɪŋ]
  • v.使逊色;高人一筹;比…做得好
  • outshine的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 比…更优秀;比…更出色;胜过
    If you outshine someone at a particular activity, you are much better at it than they are.

    Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports.


  1. Calisthenics , as a rising sports event , has an outshining advantage for promoting spiritual insight and shaping perfect personality and physique .


  2. Suppose you 're watching from a hilltop outside the city . The first thing you would see would be a blinding light , far outshining the sun .


  3. In this phase , social and historical criticism was outshining all the others . It paied much attention to the analysis of the social history background , emphasized the class nature and inclination .


  4. Though without magnificent appearance , there is breath-taking beauty even more in sincere holding back inside , sophisticated appeal of outshining the moon and putting the flowers to shame .


  5. Since 1990 s , the average annual economic growth rate of our country was about 9 . 37 % , remain above 7 % throughout in recent years , the economic growth is in the situation of outshining others in the world .


  6. Each one was a girl of fair common sense , and she did not delude herself with any vain conceits , or deny her love , or give herself airs , in the idea of outshining the others .


  7. But Prof Rushton , who was born in Bournemouth and obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the London School of Economics , argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom .


  8. If that happens , Hilton , which plans to return to the public market this month , would be the second biggest IPO this year , outshining online micro-blogging service twitter , which last month raised $ 1.8 billion when it listed on the New York Stock Exchange .
