
  • 网络(战争,怒气等的)爆发(outbreak 过去式)
  1. Although the sub-prime crisis outbroke in United States in last year , the crisis has no direct relationship between the assets securitization .


  2. Conclusions The disease outbroke in Sichuan in 2005 was caused by Streptococcus suis serotype 2 which infected human beings .


  3. Compare to the extreme hunger for foreign investment when the financial crisis outbroke , with the economic recovery in recent years , states began to strengthen the control to foreign investment .


  4. The zebra disease first outbroke and spread epidemically in Zhanjiang Prefecture , Guangdong Province , in 1973 and resulted in heavy losses .


  5. White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) is the most important viral pathogen that causes considerable economic damage to shrimp culture industry . Since it outbroke in 1993 , it has been studied by scholars at home and abroad .


  6. At last , the relations between ENSO and flood season precipitation are analysised in emphasis , and the results show that abnormal precipitation of flood season always appear in the coming year that ENSO outbroke or ENSO ended .


  7. Financial crisis that outbroke in the United States in 2008 had brought a great impact on the global economy . The hundred-year financial crisis was rooted in the bubble burst of US housing and excessive financial innovation , and real estate credit was the source of the financial crisis .
