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  • 网络奥斯曼;奥斯曼一世
  1. Mrs Osman has announced her decision retire as manager .


  2. Osman Empire existed in history for several centuries , but finally it was disintegrated after the 1st World War .


  3. The next summer Murad III rewarded Osman by making him grand vizier .


  4. Osman entered into the Chinese market in1998 year , and it has established three branches in Hong Kong , Shanghai and Xiamen .


  5. Yesterday morning , Osman Ahmed posted to an Islamist website that he 's going to change the world .


  6. Osman through constantly exploring and summarizing , has developed a unique culture of the " three experts ": professional , focused and attentive .


  7. The foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923 ended the traditional governance of Osman Empire and formally completed the transformation of political power .


  8. They killed my brother osman , but I kept them at bay , leapt through the window , and escaped .


  9. Massoud Shammar , Tariq al Juhani , Osman Ahmed , Yasin Said .


  10. In1585 Osman died after capturing Tabriz , but in the next three years the Turks took over Azerbaijan .


  11. But Osman 's Dream leaves one with the impression that the author 's scholarship ― she includes a30-page bibliography ― could have been put to better use .


  12. Osman Bin Afan : I have realized that even though the Unification Principle is new , it is a precious truth that can truly change and renew human beings .


  13. Tamim Osman , an adviser on oil to the national council , says that patching it up is only a " two-day job " .


  14. UNDP chief Osman Ali Ahmed was gunned down at close range Sunday evening as he returned home from evening prayers at a mosque in Mogadishu .


  15. Witnesses say a well-known imam , Osman Madani Haidara , was delivering his blessings when the crowd of people surged toward him .


  16. By the mid-16th century , Osman 's descendants had killed off the Byzantine Empire and turned its capital , Constantinople , into the world 's greatest mosque city .


  17. And I 'm sure Tariq , Massoud , and Osman were just harmless extremists who conned their way into the United States on student visas .


  18. Under the background of the decadence of the Osman Turkey , the ambition and political purpose of diverting crisis of Russia conflicted with the interests of the Britain and France .


  19. On Thursday , he met with senior Sudanese officials in Khartoum , including second vice president Ali Osman Taha , and presidential advisor Nafi Ali Nafi .


  20. The Ottoman Turkish dynasty , founded by Osman I ( c.1300 ), became a major world power in the15th century , and continued to play a very significant role throughout the16th and17th centuries .


  21. The Constitutional Court 's decision to accept the closure case against the ruling Justice and Development Party , called the AK Party , was given in a short announcement by the deputy chairman of the court , Osman Paksut .


  22. If Sirte , Colonel Qaddafi 's last loyalist redoubt , falls quickly , then up to65 % of Libya 's pre-war output can be achieved in four to six months , says Mr Osman .


  23. Somalia 's Deputy Speaker of Parliament Osman Elmi Boqore says if Ethiopian troops leave Somalia next month , the government , which depends heavily on Ethiopian forces to protect it from insurgent attacks , may cease to exist .


  24. Q : Full-backs are key for your width in a diamond formation . Was that the attraction of getting Ashley Cole ? They also came up with their own diamond shaped midfield using Osman at the top just to counter Chelsea .
