
The server looks at the onreadystatechange property and figures out what method to call .
This handler function was then assigned to the onreadystatechange property .
You set its onreadystatechange property to a function , creating a closure in this case .
The secret revolves around a simple property of XMLHttpRequest called onreadystatechange .
You parse the document in the onreadystatechange function of the XMLHttpRequest object used to make the Ajax call .
Set the xhr callback function . xhr . onreadystatechange ()
An inner function named processResponse () is the callback passed to the request object through the onreadystatechange property .
The only other important thing to note is the callback function , or , the closure created for the request 's onreadystatechange function .
The invocation of the onreadystatechange function on the httpRequest object is of particular importance to the functionality of this page .
Each time the readyState changes , the readystatechange event fires and the handler function attached via the onreadystatechange property is called .
Earlier , I said that the server , once finished with a request , looks up what method to call in the onreadystatechange property of XMLHttpRequest .
HTTP responses are handled asynchronously by a JavaScript callback function that is specified as the value of the XMLHttpRequest object 's onreadystatechange field .
In such cases , you need to override the onreadystatechange function of the XMLHttpRequest instance so that you can set a callback function for the asynchronous request .
This code is a great illustration of exactly what onreadystatechange means & every time the request 's ready state changes , updatePage () is called and you see an alert .
It gives a degree of control to the server , as well ; when the server finishes a request , it looks in the XMLHttpRequest object and specifically at the onreadystatechange property .
You 've already seen how to let the server know what to do when it 's finished : Set the onreadystatechange property of the XMLHttpRequest object to the name of the function to run .
Make sure that when you set up your request , you set the callback function to updatePage (); to do this , set the onreadystatechange property of your request object to updatePage () .
The closeRequest () method sets the onreadystatechange property to an empty function , calls the abort () method , and then frees the memory of the request object , using the delete operator of JavaScript .