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  • abbr.(美国海军)海军研究局(Office of Naval Research);海军研究军官(Officer of Naval Research);官方海军发言人(Official Naval Reporter)
  1. Neither onr of us passed the test .


  2. This driver cleaned the truck with wdined onr this morning .


  3. I am wonderful ice in the wdined onr , I am a melodrama , say .


  4. If the price is enough low , this shopkeeper became jobber likely through the network , make the medium of communication of replenish onr 's stock of nonlocal shop .


  5. Appreciating each other id a true family vaue , onr that will bail out much of the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have .


  6. ScienceDaily ( Aug.6,2010 ) & Neurobiologists funded by the Office of Naval Research ( ONR ) have discovered a potential cure for degenerative vision diseases leading to terminal blindness .


  7. The environment of enterprises management , the focus on which enterprises compete and strategy choices of enterprises have all changed greatly . Knowledge management , onr new star in the circle of management , is rising gradually and becoming the creative point of enterprise management and administration .


  8. Opportunity of this movement replenish onr 's stock is bad to hold , suggest to fluky psychology is not held to go to ground of wait for windfalls seeking opportunity of such replenish onr 's stock in actual combat .


  9. Produce sells the produce that the enterprise sells to its , ought to build examination of perfect replenish onr 's stock to check and accept a system ; via checking what do not accord with standard of produce quality safety , do not get a sale .
