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  1. I realize the differences : We were attacked on9 / 11 ;


  2. We saw it on9 / 11 and we will see it again .


  3. An empirical study was carried out on9 real world collaboration networks and25 real world cooperation-competition networks .


  4. The patient has recovered and was discharged on9 June .


  5. On9 / 11 , we were barely a week into our sophomore year .


  6. He developed symptoms on9 June one week after helping his grandfather slaughter diseased chickens at the family home .


  7. He first reported symptoms of fever , headache , cough and shortness of breath on9 December .


  8. The process is now complete with the election , on9 November , of Dr Margaret Chan .


  9. It was exactly that spirit of openness and acceptance that was attacked on9 / 11,2001 .


  10. The World Cup kicks off on9 June and it will be a lesser tournament without him .


  11. When they flew the planes into the buildings on9 / 11 , they also probably had an excuse .


  12. These were among a series of outcomes issued by the Global Task Force meeting held on9 and10 October in Geneva .


  13. Decades from now , Americans will visit the memorials to those who were lost on9 / 11 .


  14. The general situation of technical communication on9 th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection is been introduced , which includes following sessions : ( 1 ) Stored Grain Losses ;


  15. Walker : The Memorial remembers those who died on9 / 11 but it is also a symbol of rebirth and public revival .


  16. Limited samples were available from the8-year-old daughter who died on14 July , and the1-year-old daughter who died on9 July .


  17. Her symptoms began on9 May2009 and she was admitted to Mansoura Chest Hospital on17 May2009 .


  18. But Mark Lyall Grant , UK 's ambassador to the Security Council , said holding the referendum on time on9 January was still doable .


  19. And tonight , let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on9 / 11 . I know that it has , at times , frayed .


  20. Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza was initially confirmed in Azerbaijan on9 February in wild birds found in the coastal area near the capital city of Baku .


  21. The body weight of the irradiated rats was decreased slowly , reached its lowest point on9 ~ 12days after the irradiation , and then showed a slow recovery .


  22. Evaluations of tracheoesophageal ( TE ) speech and acoustic analysis of TE voice were studied on9 laryngectomees with TE fistula and using voice prosthesis for speech rehabilitation .


  23. After meeting ministry officials on9 July to clarify the new rules , the researchers applied to the Ministry of Agriculture for permission to work on " highly pathogenic micropathogens " .


  24. Thanks to the incredible skill and courage of countless individuals-intelligence , military over many years-the terrorist leader who struck our nation on9 / 11 will never threaten America again .


  25. The attacks on9 / 11 , Rudd said , are " a salient reminder of our common challenge based on our common values to deal robustly , comprehensively and globally with the challenge of terrorism . "


  26. This Seminar will take place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Shenzhen on9 September , to coincide with the visit of the Lord Mayor of the City of London , who will deliver a opening speech at the event .
