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  • 网络有载调压变压器;有载分接开关;开关;有载调压开关;分接头
  1. Non-inrush Voltage Regulating Method for OLTC Transformer Based on Power Electronic Technology


  2. It is discussed that the adjusting effect of OLTC to the voltage of primary and secondary side is in close relation to the load type .


  3. Model and switching stability analysis of hybrid power systems with OLTC


  4. On the influence of load and OLTC to voltage stability index


  5. Feasibility Study Using Vibration Measurement to On-line Detect the Contact Condition of OLTC


  6. Research on Measurement Method of Transformer OLTC Deviation Voltage


  7. The effect of OLTC on the voltage stability is analyzed through time domain simulation .


  8. The control principle of the OLTC under several given operation mode and load characteristics was presented .


  9. Based on this , the influence of OLTC on static voltage stability is analyzed in this paper .


  10. The proposals for measurement of OLTC recovery voltage in transformer test and operation are made .


  11. Investigation on the Detection of Overheating in OLTC by Sensing Acoustic Noise


  12. The reverse action of OLTC may emerge before or after the instability of load .


  13. Improvement on Properties to Withstand Lightning Impulse for Transformer with Uniform Insulation and OLTC


  14. On-load tap changer ( OLTC ) is also utilized as a main method to control the voltage .


  15. Using multiple Lyapunov functions analysis , the switching stability of hybrid power system with OLTC is analyzed when discrete event actions occur .


  16. In view of the voltage instability caused by the increasing air conditioner load , an OLTC emergency control principle is given .


  17. In this method the Jacobi Matrix have the factor of OLTC 's rate , so using it to analyze voltage stability is better .


  18. Researches on contact burning failure were done and a feature analysis method based on wavelet packet energy entropy of OLTC was proposed in this paper .


  19. On-load tap changer ( OLTC ) is considered to be one of the important factors that results in voltage collapse .


  20. For constant power loads , the successive regulating effect of OLTC will be more complicated if different trends of power transfer limit are considered .


  21. Analysis on Parallel Connection Operation of Transformers with OLTC , the Tap of which are Miss-match Each Other


  22. The measure of reactive power regulation mainly includes changing OLTC transformer taps , shunt capacitors susceptance and generator voltages .


  23. The characteristics of voltage control of substation are mostly discrete event dynamic behaviors , such as OLTC regulation , capacitor banks switching and load shedding .


  24. Application of Switching Mutual Repulsive Thyristors in OLTC Method of Switching Mutual Repulsive Thyristors Switch in the Tap Changing Process of On-load Transformer


  25. A method of using programmable timed Petri nets to establish switched hybrid power system model is presented . Interactions between discrete change of OLTC and continuous load dynamics are analyzed .


  26. By use of more precise exponential load model , the effect of on-load tap-changing transformer ( OLTC ) on optimal power flow ( OPF ) is analyzed .


  27. Firstly , this article studies the influence of OLTC transformer ratio change on static voltage stability by using the ternary analytical method of voltage U , power P and load impedance angle φ .


  28. It establishes the model with reactive power and voltage parameters based on the combination control of the compensator capacitor banks and the OLTC main transformer furnished in large-scale electric substation to test the fuzzy control system .


  29. This paper proposes a method of programmable timed Petri nets ( PTPN ) for hybrid power systems modelling , and analyzes the interactions between discrete change of OLTC and continuous load dynamics .


  30. The current adjustment modes of OLTC ( On-Load Tap-Changer ) ar e either mechanical or power electronic , which usually has complicated structure , big size , slow regulative speed and high failure rate .
