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  1. I olny got the gist of what he was saying .


  2. It generate not olny for social traditions reasons , but also for the judicial system itself and responsibility of individual judges .


  3. Olny when social economy is developed and the Ievel of national average income is raised , can people gradually set up the necessary sports expenditure value .


  4. The mulch not olny have characteristic of the common mulch but also have advantage of the high weeding ratio and high degradable ratio and safe usage .


  5. Therefore , social policies during this period reflected the stratification between minority well-protected public employees and majority private sector employees , self-employed person and peasants who are olny eligible for bounded welfare benefit .


  6. The method of increasing system damping energy dissipation is the most direct and effective approach in the design of low noise plate strucutres , as it not olny reduce the peak value of the structural resonance , but also enhance the vibration resistance and dynamic stability of the system .


  7. Corticosteroid induced increase of intraocular pressure most usually occured at 3 months after surgery , and were 24 37 % in low and middle myopia and 25 32 % in high myopia , but the steroid response was olny temporary and easy to be controlled ;
