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  1. Tectonic nature and tectonic evolution of the " xuefeng oldland " in the Caledonian stage


  2. But Xishuangbanna Oldland sank under the sea twice in late Carboniferous and middle and late Jurassic , all achievements in species origin and evolution were spoiled .


  3. The Babaoshan gold-silver deposit in Cathaysian oldland is 140 ± 5Ma old originated from volcanic hydrothermal ore-formation .


  4. From early Cambrian to early Jurassic , Xishuangbanna Oldland and Burma Oldland formed a whole oldland , and had the same history of species origin and evolution .


  5. Diachronous and progressive deformation during the Indosinian-Yanshanian movements of the Xuefeng Mountain intracontinental composite tectonic system TECTONIC NATURE AND TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE " XUEFENG OLDLAND " IN THE CALEDONIAN STAGE


  6. Antimony deposits are situated on an intersection between the Xikuangshan NNE-striking extented toward the north antimony belt on the edge of the southern part of the Xuefeng oldland and the EW-striking antimony - gold belt within the Xuefeng oldland .
