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  • 网络网络视频服务器;诺华;诺华制药;视频服务器;诺华公司
  1. This password can now be used for accessing DB2 and DB2 NVS via SSH .


  2. Novartis ( NVS ) has a new strategy to try to generate that kind of serendipity .


  3. At present , the management of NVS is mostly arranged by various producers , who programming corresponding software to the equipment they manufactured .


  4. Scanning methods can be extended by NVS plugins . And the scanning results of NVS give suggestion for attack .


  5. In the end , this article describes the design and implementation of a network vulnerability scanning system , which names NVS ( Network Vulnerability Scanner ) .


  6. Norwalk viruses ( NVs ) cause outbreaks of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis and spread frequently through contaminated foods or water .


  7. Outbreaks of NVs gastroenteritis most commonly occur in restaurants , nursing homes , hospitals , schools and in touring sites .


  8. Video storage technology is a key technology for NVS ( network video surveillance system ) and is one of the main factors to determine the performance and scale of the NVS .


  9. NVs are also called small round-structured viruses ( SRSVs ) and members of the family Caliciviridae .


  10. However , as the enlarging scale and getting complicated of NVS , it is difficult to manage the various NVS equipments in different producers and types unified .


  11. To change this and satisfy actual demands , research and develop one pure software type of universal NVS not only satisfy those need , but could drive the development of NVS .


  12. The job of Joe Jimenez , 53 , is to navigate that world for Novartis ( NVS ) , the Swiss maker of drugs such as the breakthrough leukemia treatment Gleevec and consumer brands including Excedrin and theraflu .
