- n.记账单位;货币兑换率计价标准;货币汇率本位;法币,计价标准

The Valuation of Options for Jump Processes and the Choice of Numeraire
Prices are subject to alteration with or without notice . The Pricing of Convertible Bond with Change of Numeraire ;
The Relation of Arbitrage and Numeraire
Thirdly , we discuss the pricing method of Asian option in the model , removing the path dependency by a portfolio and using the changes of numeraire techniques .
Macro-implications of the Choice of Numeraire ;
Finally , to the particularity of the B - S model , any positive self-financing wealth process with initial value 1 is taken as the numeraire , then the conclusions in finance theory we cared about are received .
At first , we assume the interest rate follows a random interest rate model , and then derived the price of this product through change of numeraire and risk-neutral model . After we get the value expression of this product , we carry on the empirical study .
[ WT5 " BZ ] In this paper , by using change of numeraire and equivalence Martingales measure , we have derived the formula for exchange option in case of stochastic volatilities . [ WT5 " HZ ]