- adj.东北的;向东北的

The yacht 's crew said that they were making relatively slow progress northeasterly .
The frequency is large with the westerly wind but small with the northeasterly wind in southern Fujian .
Bora : a violent , cold , northeasterly winter wind on the Adriatic sea .
The results showed that : the layout of the terrain and building effects of low-level northeasterly winds prevailed within the city of Changsha .
In deep winter , this front could move southward to the shelf break and becomes a shelf / slope front when northeasterly blows .
In summer northwesterly and westerly ( northeasterly ) winds are prevalent west ( east ) of the Keriya River ;
Autumn 's northeasterly winds bring the prime hiking season to Hong Kong , as the summer 's hot , humid weather gives way to drier , cooler days .
The short period NS drifts of the divergent latitude in response to the climatic fluctuations are responsible for the alternation of westerly winds and northeasterly trade winds .
Liping Godsend Bridge , on the right side of Wanzhai Village , 12 miles away northeasterly from Liping County , Guizhou province , is the biggest and longest natural bridge in the world .
The South Korean Defense Ministry said thatthe North had fired the Scuds in a northeasterly direction and that theyprobably fell into North Korean waters of the East Sea , which is also known asthe Sea of Japan .
When there are cold SST anomalies in the SCS and the Bay of Bengal and warm anomalies in the western tropical Pacific Ocean , there is anomalous northeasterly over the SCS in February and March .
The winter SCS is divided into two parts by the axis of the maximum northeasterly monsoonal winds . The positive wind curl in the southeastern half of the ocean drives a cyclonic gyre circulation in the deep basin .
The results show that there is northeasterly moisture transport in low latitude area over Asian monsoon region in boreal winter , and it turns northwestward cross equator and transports moisture to Australian monsoon region and low-latitude Southern Indian Ocean .
Starting from the Ming and Qing Dynasties , Chinese fishermen sailed southward on the northeasterly monsoon to Nansha Qundao and relevant waters for fishery production activities and returned on the southwesterly monsoon to the mainland the following year .
During the high tide , the flow of the south bank trend of the West and the West Bank clockwise turn to the north , jacking with the south west rising tide of the south estuaries ; during the falling tide , the tide flows northeasterly direction .