nitrogen 15

Under the same fertilizer level , CR-urea could reduce nitrogen 15 % - 25 % loss availably , comparing with NH_4HCO_3 and usual urea .
Methods : Cartilages taken aseptically from aborted fetus were frozen to - 80 ℃ and preserved in - 196 ℃ liquid nitrogen with 15 % dimethylsulfoxside ( DMSO ) as cryoprotective agent .
Taken from fetus of non-plan-birth in aseptic condition , limb and costal cartilages were used in 38 clinical cases after being frozen at - 80 ℃ and preserved in - 196 ℃ liquid nitrogen with 15 % dimethylsulfoxside ( DMSO ) as cryoprotective agent .
Study on formation and accumulation of soil nitrate influenced by fertilizer nitrogen with  ̄( 15 ) N tracing technique
Studies on the digestion and utilization of urea - nitrogen ~ ( 15 ) n in goats
The deep denitrogenation experiments of 125 heats were carried out to reduce the nitrogen content below 15 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) during decarbonization process .
The highest tensile strength of joints is 233.5 MPa when the nitrogen volume is approximately 15 % .
Study of utilization and effection of Azolla nitrogen with ~ ( 15 ) n isotope labelled method in the rice-azolla-fish cropping system
Results indicated that plant Ndff % ( percentage of nitrogen content from nitrogen in fertilizer ), 15 N uptake , 15 N use efficiency and 15 N remained in soil were significantly affected by timing of 15 N application treatments and 15 N rates .
Each subject inhaled 10 5 % oxygen nitrogen mixture provided by DY 84 oxygen nitrogen mixer for 15 min to simulate the hypoxia tolerance test at 5000m altitude .
N utilization efficiency was tiptop when amount of nitrogen was 20 kg / mu on sand soil but that was tiptop when amount of nitrogen was 15 kg / mu on clay soil .
The relationship between nitrogen applying amount and grain yield could be expressed in a quadratic curve . When the nitrogen applying amount were 15 kg / 666.7 m2 , the grain yield was the highest .
The result indicated that the different nitrogen element has the different influence on apocynum venetum degumming , the remnant pectin rate is 14.1 % with ammonium salt as nitrogen additive , 15 % with the nitrate .