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  • 网络新泻;新潟
  1. China Eastern has four flights between Shanghai and Niigata every week .


  2. You 're taking that machine to niigata , right ?


  3. The evolutionary random response of a random shear column under Niigata earthquake excitation was analyzed .


  4. She did not remember her previous existence in niigata .


  5. Seventeen years ago I died in Niigata .


  6. Survey of Mid Niigata earthquake in Japan and the experience and lesson from earthquake resistance and disaster relief


  7. Niigata , Japan , Earthquake of M 7.0 and A Survey on Its Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation


  8. The navigation ceremony of the shipping line across China , Japan and Russian took place in Niigata Port in Japan .


  9. Since the earthquake in Niigata of Japan , A new seismic disasters captured more and more attention of geotechnical engineering community .


  10. Takada Park in Niigata prefecture offers a romantic option for nocturnal visitors .


  11. Finally , the performance of this new approach is validated by the X-band full polarimetric SAR data in Niigata area of Japan .


  12. Neo Lagoon-Contemporary Art of North East Asia , Niigata Prefecture Centre , Art Museum , Japan .


  13. ST-segment abnormalities and premature complexes are predictors of new-onset atrial fibrillation : The Niigata Preventive Medicine Study


  14. Numerous instances of abutment displacement and associated damage have been reported in publications on Niigata and Alaskan earthquakes .


  15. Mr. Cox says Japan has invested a lot in seismic research and design since a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in Niigata in nineteen sixty-four .


  16. The 1995 Northern Niigata earthquake of M 6.0 occurred at the eastern margin of the Niigata seismic gap and might have been a precursor of a large destructive earthquake .


  17. for placing too many reactors in the same place ( there are six in the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant and seven in a nuclear complex on an earthquake fault-line in Niigata ) ;


  18. Adding in neighbouring Nagano , Ibaraki and Niigata prefectures , which were much less damaged , brings the affected area 's contribution to GDP to 10.8 % . That is a big chunk .


  19. Nanjing Agricultural University Extender ( NAUE ) was a more effective medium than BPSE ( Beltsville Poultry Semen Extender ) and ND-3 ( Niigata Diluent ) for survival of sperm during low temperature storage .


  20. Many turbidite sandstone bodies , deposited during the Middle Miocene to Pliocene , are distributed and form one of major reservoirs for oil and gas in the Tertiary Niigata backarc sedimentary basin , the most productive oil basin in the Japanese Islands .


  21. To wit , when Niigata Prefecture made plans in 2010 to conduct an accident drill for earthquake preparedness , the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency ( NISA ) recommended revising the plans to avoid sparking " unnecessary misunderstanding and anxiety " in the public ;


  22. The Japanese media have drawn attention to a quake of magnitude 6.6 on the far side of the country , between Nagano and Niigata prefectures , and to a quake of magnitude 6.1 in Shizuoka prefecture , both within days of the main quake .


  23. Unlike ACAP concerned mainly with anti-pollution policy formulation , monitoring and evaluation as well as compensation to the environmentally disadvantaged resulting from specific environmental pollution such as Minamata methyl-mercury pollution , Itai-Itai limb and joint paralysis , Yokkaichi respiratory disease , and Niigata Minamata .
