nick of time

美 [nɪk əv taɪm]英 [nɪk ɒv taɪm]
  • 网络千钧一发;绝命时刻;致命时刻;要命的决定
nick of timenick of time
  1. We just got out in the nick of time .


  2. Meanwhile , others came in , " offcomers , " with new ways - hippies , artists , pagans - just in the nick of time , as the demolition balls were swinging and the stone terraces falling . They squatted and protested .


  3. Seems we got here just in the nick of time


  4. News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers .


  5. They arrived in the nick of time to save us .


  6. Made it in the nick of time .


  7. In the nick of time a Japanese firm took him seriously .


  8. He had arrived just in the nick of time .


  9. You got here in the nick of time the train 's just leaving .


  10. The package arrived in the nick of time .


  11. He got to the station in the nick of time and caught the train .


  12. They arrived just in the nick of time to catch the plane .


  13. There is always somebody coming to rescue the good guys in the nick of time .


  14. You come in the right nick of time to meet me , as I will go out very soon .


  15. We got there just in the nick of time . A minute later and she 'd have left .


  16. The swimmers were rescued in the nick of time .


  17. The toast was about to burn , but I turned off the gas in the nick of time .


  18. My fortunate inspiration , which I might so easily have neglected , had come in the nick of time .


  19. The reinforcements came in the very nick of time to our rescue and to beat the enemy .


  20. Yes . Fortunately , an ambulance passed in the nick of time , and we got him away to hospital .


  21. and we were afraid we were gonna be late and took the back roads , we got there in the nick of time ?


  22. He 's right . don 't you remember last time ? You were almost late , but we helped you out in the nick of time .


  23. Yet he was grateful to Kuei Chang-lin for coming in the nick of time and saving his life .


  24. This animal came in the nick of time for us to bag some real quadruped meat , and it was warmly welcomed .


  25. Thanks to the concern of a long-time delivery driver , a Domino 's Pizza regular was rescued right in the nick of time .


  26. But we still got there in the nick of time , five minutes to twelve , just in time to raise a glass and say hello to the new year .


  27. The popularization of the Hong Kong style arrived in the nick of time for Hollywood , says Los Angeles Times film critic Kenneth Turan .


  28. They were able to rush her to the hospital in the nick of time , and when she regained consciousness she was able to identify her kidnappers .


  29. I spotted her in the nick of time and dove under my bed , but man , that right there tells you something about Juli Baker .


  30. Like a number of Japanese day traders , she also used to ride waves of volatility , hoping to profit by getting in and out of a trade in the nick of time .
