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  • 网络神经纤维缠结;营养液膜;神经原纤维缠结;营养液膜技术;神经元纤维缠结
  1. Oxygen content of nutrient solution in NFT system for cucumber culture


  2. In some cases , NFT may need a special build of the software .


  3. One key issue is when to do NFT ?


  4. We have also discussed issues relating to planning and scheduling of NFT .


  5. STUDIES ON COMPLETE SERIES OF NFT ( Nutrient Film technique ) OF TOMATO


  6. Studies on Water and Nutrient Absorption of Tomato in Automatic Control Nutrient Film Technique ( NFT ) System


  7. NFT will be a focus in our testing of the products in our operations .


  8. Studies on Photosynthetic and Transpiration Peculiarity of Lettuce in NFT Culture


  9. Effects of the different bottom shapes of NFT cultivation bed on the growth and quality of the lettuce


  10. So the DFT hydroponic system was advantage over NFT system in cherry tomato cultivation .


  11. Immediate reporting of NFT defects is required since most of such defects will be caused by design errors .


  12. The main soilless system for commercial production are bag and trough substrate culture , only alittlearea using NFT system .


  13. The Effect of NFT and Pink Bark Cultivation on Dry Matter Accumulation of Pajaro Strawberry


  14. Treatment of Recirculated Wastewater from Tilapia Culture Tank by Using Lolium multiflorum Lam of NFT Culture


  15. The designing requirements and methods for tank , solution supplying-device and culture bed of NFT system were fully described in this paper .


  16. In NFT , the cultivation bed with no-cloth cover has significant influence on the yield of lettuce .


  17. We first used high-frequency ultrasound and low-frequency ultrasound to measure NFT and nuchal soft tissue at the same time and compared them .


  18. Under unbalanced three-phase-load conditions , NFT 11 make the three-phase-output voltages unbalanced .


  19. Taking the lettuce as material , the authors designed the different bottom shapes of NFT cultivation bed to study the effects on the growth and quality of the lettuce .


  20. NFT can be done in the framework of existing test process , and we have outlined activities that can be performed as part of NFT in the test phases .


  21. But the problem with scheduling NFT early , is that in many cases the system need to attain a minimum level of stability and functionality completeness for the test cases to run .


  22. Hyperphosphorylation of neurofilaments , one of major components of NFT and the early pathological change of AD , affects the function of axonal transport of nerve cells .


  23. Part II . This part considers the gain-scheduled H_ ∞ filter design problem for a class of LPV systems being of non-linear fractional transformation ( NFT ) structure .


  24. The pathological changes of brain , such as neurofibrillary tangle ( NFT ) and senile plaque ( SP ), were observed by using HE staining and Bielschowsky staining .


  25. A laser power supply with newly designed thyristor 3-phase rectifier At latter , methods of confirm part parameter in the converter is introduced , most parts of 3-phase rectifier and filter , inverter and filter , NFT are confirmed .


  26. Amyloid beta protein is the core of SP and the biochemical foundation of NFT . A β has a direct toxicity to neuronal cells , but it is unclear that the percentage of apoptosis or necrosis induced by Ap .


  27. The pathologic feature of AD are neuro fibrillary tangles ( NFT ) which is in never cells and senile plaque ( SP ) s which is out of never cells and mainly at frontal lobe and hippocampus .


  28. The major clinical manifestations are cognitive impairment and memory function progressive decrease . The main pathological changes including the accumulation of senile plaque outside the cell , the ( Neurons fiber tangles , NFT ) inside the cell and loss of neurons in the hippocampus .
