new the best

美 [nuː ðə best]英 [njuː ðə best]
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new the bestnew the best
  1. With clothes the new are the best , with friends the old are the best .


  2. Sport-sedan acceleration , luxury-car comfort , and tugboat towing make this new Toy the best of the bigs .


  3. I should say that the new model is the best of its kind .


  4. Power generation from new energy is the best way to use new energy resources .


  5. As application a new theorem on the best approximation is obtained .


  6. I like New York is the best in spring and fall .


  7. The new ambassador represents the best traditions of his country .


  8. We never stop R & D the new products with the best price and higher quality .


  9. Happy new year and the best wish for everybody , by Christine !


  10. A New Study of the Best Record of Shot-putting and the Best Putting Angle


  11. The results show that the new way is the best one for clean combustion and effective utilization of energy .


  12. This method provides a new tool to the best designing and the best controlling for the rolling automatic control system .


  13. New Zealand is the best country for entrepreneurs with the U.S.ranking second .


  14. My mother thinks that her new dishwasher is the best thing since sliced bread .


  15. And now we 're focused on making sure the patient in New York receives the best care as well .


  16. Based on this we could say that the new inference to the best explanation has proposed supporting justification for scientific realism .


  17. However , a promotion that is backed by consistently solid performance in the new role is the best reply to critics .


  18. When you purchase a new hardware , the best practise is to upgrade all the firmware to the latest level .


  19. We always heared about how to memorize new words , the best way is try to use them as often as possible .


  20. In a new study about the best way to beat belly fat , Dr. Jenny Ashton here to talk about it .


  21. A common experience for visitors to Manhattan is being told by long-time New Yorkers that the best times of the city are over .


  22. Justin Beiber was elected in the list of The new singer and The best popular album awards .


  23. The new arithmetic constructed the best wavelet packet based on the wavelet library with the criterion of fusing energy cost function and contract the most valuable features of the signals .


  24. I think all Australians at the bottom of their hearts wish the royal bub all the best , and certainly wish the new parents all the best as well .


  25. Concerned about the development of their own value and the market is conducive to long-term development of enterprises , enhance the value of their own enterprises under the new situation is the best choice for competitive advantage .


  26. Through spatial location-based analysis of the data for the mobile communication network planning and construction , mobile signal coverage analysis , management of the current user information , and even the discovery of new users with the best solution .


  27. As China economy enters the time of the twelfth " five-year " plan , Chinese enterprises face more opportunity and challenges from home and abroad . Fostering and developing new industries become the best way to win more market .


  28. In addition to the questions , which range from the most obvious to the highly unpredictable , the $ 65 guide contains a new section offering the best general admissions advice from successful HBS applicants .


  29. " Customer response to iPhone 5 in China has been incredible , setting a new record with the best first weekend sales ever in China , " said Tim Cook , apple chief executive , in a statement .


  30. A recentsurvey by that named New York as the best U.S. city forsingles found it achieved the No. 1 position because it has more peoplewith active online dating accounts than any other city in the country 。
