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  1. The tone of the NEJM paper was one of urgency .


  2. Their lowest output was in NEJM , with a total of just five papers .


  3. The results of the trial were published in the NEJM this week ( 20 October ) .


  4. Now NEJM has won its case , too , winding up the matter for these two leading journals .


  5. According to the results of a large clinical study , to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine ( NEJM ) on Thursday ,


  6. Regarding QOL , a cohort study comparing RP to radiotherapy and brachytherapy was recently in the NEJM .


  7. GSK has responded by saying that it " strongly disagrees " with the conclusions of the NEJM paper .


  8. The findings of Dutch researchers published in the NEJM raise the possibility of nondrug treatments related to brown fat , Dr. Celi said .


  9. GSK strongly disagrees with the conclusions reached in the NEJM article , which are based on incomplete evidence and a methodology that the author admits has significant limitations .


  10. That 's enough for now-hopefully I 'll have time over the weekend to discuss the third NEJM article , and expand on its implications for personal genomics .


  11. The study is published in the New England Journal of Medicine ( NEJM ) and was conducted in11 hospitals in the UK , Brazil , Canada and Denmark .


  12. The increasingly global clinical trial sector demands more effective ethical and regulatory scrutiny according to a study published in the latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine ( NEJM ) .


  13. Following the release of the NEJM study on Avandia , the FDA issued a safety alert , but stopped short of asking for a stronger warning label , saying more analysis was needed .
