nearshore zone

  • 网络近岸带;近滨区
nearshore zonenearshore zone
  1. Sedimentary Character and Sedimentary Environment of Nearshore Zone in Southern Lianyungang


  2. It is shown from the study results that the sediment flux and its vertical distribution in the nearshore zone are affected by the relative position of surf zone and the beach topography .


  3. Types and characteristics of potential subbottom geological hazards in nearshore zone of China


  4. Study of Wave Radiation Stress and Its Effect on the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone


  5. Numerical modelling and experimental verification of pollutant transport under waves in the nearshore zone


  6. The coupled numerical model for wave actions on structures in the nearshore zone and its applications in Engineering


  7. On storm deposits of nearshore zone in Bohai Bay


  8. Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone


  9. Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone ; Application of Wind-driven Current Calculation in Return Period in Offshore


  10. Effect of the bottom friction force of shallow water wave on the enrichment of heavy mineral sands in the nearshore zone of southern Shandong Province


  11. Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone ; The pounding of ocean waves against the coast gradually wears it away .


  12. The authors point out the importance of taking notice of the integrated effect of all factors , enhancing the precision of shoreline data and reinforcing the research on the physics mechanism of the nearshore zone .


  13. During the typhoon attacking , the sediment on beaches in nearshore zone are easily suspended and transported by large waves and storm surge . The sudden siltation can occur due to sediment deposit in channel , which may cause serious effects on the harbor navigation and operation .


  14. Q-factor analysis reveals that the study area can be divided into three characteristic zones : 1 . suspended deposit zone where sea currents dominate , 2 . nearshore wave action zone , and 3 . wave-current interaction zone .
