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  • 网络无创血压;丁苯酞;非细菌性前列腺炎;血压;正常沸点
  1. Study on Modelling Method for Specific Crack Change Based on NBP Neural Network


  2. Effects of chiral NBP on cerebral infarct volume due to transient focal cerebral ischemia


  3. Effect of NBP on Serum Neuron-specific Enolase in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction


  4. The results show that NBP to relieve cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury , consistent with past experiments .


  5. Pharmacokinetic study of NBP optically active isomers based on chiral resolution technology with chiral stationary phase


  6. NBP can protect cortex mitochondria from cerebral ischemia by regulating the differentially expressed proteins .


  7. The previous studies showed that NBP could reduce cerebral infarction volume following middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) in rats .


  8. Production of high quality filter paper filter , high temperature aging NBP ring , a steel , anti-rust treatment and strict testing methods , quality assurance .


  9. AIM To study the effects of butylphthalide ( NBP ) on the function and ultrastructure of neuronal mitochondria during cerebral ischemia .


  10. They were randomly divided into the sham-operative group , focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion group and NBP preconditioning group , 16 for each group .


  11. The preparation of 4 - ( p-nitrobenzyl ) pyridine ( nbp ) developing agent of alkylating reagents


  12. Healthy male Wistar rats were randomly divided into sham group , ischemia – reperfusion ( I-R ) group , NBP treated group , each 18 .


  13. Result : G-negative bacilli were the common pathogens in NBP among lung cancer patients , and the Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most common one .


  14. Monitoring patients ' heart rate ( HR ), noninvasive blood pressure ( NBP ) , electrocardiogram ( ECG ), pulse oxygen saturation ( PaO 2 ) and clinical symptom .


  15. From the changes in pyramidal cells on reperfusion a significant reduction in neurons , non-coloring , larger number of neurons in the NBP treatment group ( p0.01 ); .


  16. Objective : To observe the clinical efficacy of pulse microwave combined with Chinaroot greenbrier rhizome in the treatment of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis ( NBP ) .


  17. Despite only making up a part of gross photosynthate production , final ecosystem production ( NBP ) is the capital for future organic matter reproduction and controls maintenance and development of the ecosystem .


  18. Forest in DaXing ' an Mountains and Changbai Mountain has higher NBP and carbon sequestration ability , followed by that in Xiaoxing ' an Mountain . 4 .


  19. The reason why known NBP neural network learning algorithm has slower speed and greater sample error is analysed . Based on our analysis and experiment , the train group descending enhanced combination algorithm-ECA is proposed .


  20. NBP obviously inhibited transient focal cerebral ischemia induced apoptosis in cortex and striatum , decrease the activation of caspase-9 , block activation of caspase cascade and relieve neuronal injury .


  21. The problem of how to identify the nonlinear dynamic process using multilayer feedforward NN , trained by nonlinear BP algorithm , is investigated . The procedure of the identification method based on NBP networks is also given .


  22. Additionally , DTA shows the improvement in thermal stability in WTe : Er glass . Finally , the gain characteristics of NbP : EY and WTe : Er fiber amplifiers are simulated .


  23. To further study molecular mechanisms of this effect of NBP , we hypothesized that the effect of NBP on reduction of cerebral infarction size after MCAO is associated with its inhibition of neuronal apoptosis induced by cerebral ischemia .


  24. Using the method of bioinformatics we analyzed and predicted the physical and chemical properties , secondary structure , sub-cellular localization , signal peptide secretion and its existing in the amino acid sequence of the possible functions of the site of Nbp protein .


  25. This experiment studies have shown that , NBP group than in the ischemia-reperfusion group of p-ERK increased significantly ( p < 0.05 ), prompted NBP may be by regulating the expression of p-ERK play a role in protection of brain tissue .


  26. Objectives : To investigate the effect of dl-3n-butylphthalide ( NBP ) on the histologic outcome , apoptosis and expression of apoptosis regulating protein caspase-9 at different time points on the model of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats . Methods : 1 .
