natural regulation

美 [ˈnætʃrəl ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn]英 [ˈnætʃrəl ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn]
  • 网络自然调节;自然控制力量
natural regulationnatural regulation
  1. However , under the natural regulation of market , paper money has appeared , silver also began monetization , finally currency scarce got solution .


  2. Evaluation of Natural Regulation Ability of Groundwater Reservoir in Tao'er River Alluvial Fan


  3. Coefficient of natural regulation


  4. Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility These plants have been forced so that they may be in flower by Christmas .


  5. A natural regulation that the mankind can 't resist is a decrepitude ," old have to keep " is basic request of the each social member .


  6. The human neglect there quest of natural regulation , depredation of natural resources ; breakage the balance of the nature ; make the sharp conflict between human and nature .


  7. The sediment carrying capacity of the river has been restored essentially through natural regulation of the riverbed , and present shape of the river is approaching to one before construction of Sanmenxia reservoir ;


  8. As the biggest carbon reservoir on the earth surface , the oceans play a dominant role in the natural regulation of CO_2 in the atmosphere , thus exerting a powerful influence on the climate and marine ecosystem .


  9. ; ( 4 ) The natural regulation and storage capacity fall off by 40 % , the water-level with the same runoff at the bayous drives up 1.80 m-2.50 m ;


  10. Combining the present flood control condition of Hunhe river , respecting the natural regulation , setting out from the fact , considering the request of the up-down-river , the bilateral bank and the city development , the thesis research the flood control engineering of Hunhe river ;


  11. Serviceability of Various Civil Natural Gas Regulation Mode


  12. Research on the Particularity of Chinese Natural Monopoly Regulation and How to Give An Impetus to Reform


  13. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerases play a key role in RNA silencing , heterochromatin formation and natural gene regulation .


  14. The natural industry regulation has become hot point for years . The thesis has a comparatively deep exploration and analysis for the development and economical impact of the natural monopoly industry in our country .


  15. Comparison And Analysis on Irreversible Loss of Natural Gas Pressure Regulation Equipments


  16. Reform of the Natural Monopoly Industries Regulation from the Perspective of Game Theory


  17. Study on Reformation of Natural Monopoly Industry Regulation and Some Tentative Analysis of China 's Practice


  18. As an outstanding statesman and a famous scholar , WEI Hui made great contributions to restoration of natural power and regulation of politics in early Tang Dynasty .


  19. Faced with this situation , human beings have to re-understanding of the natural environment-economic-social-administration and regulation , changing the traditional concept of development , establishing a new concept of the harmonious development follows the whole world development .


  20. Therefore , indoor natural landscape has remarkable regulation and purification functions on indoor environment .


  21. In Ohio or Illinois , which are new to the natural gas game , regulation is more stringent .


  22. By the theory of natural monopoly and government regulation , adopting the method of mathematical analysis , compared analysis and objective analysis , the article raised the schemes of the restructure and reform to Chinese Unbar Water-supply Industry in detail .


  23. The cult of Mount Tai of the ordinary people established as a beautiful natural ability on the regulation of climate , while its rule of ghosts , Habitat-Brief introduction to reassure the public more fascinating .
