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  1. A discussion on relation of earth motion with geological and natura hazard system


  2. Since then the concepts and methods have been extensively used in many fields ot natura sciences and social sciences .


  3. The international resources of importing natura gas in China is probable , and the price is beneficial .


  4. Now we are going great length to be the representative of the suppliers of natura food ingredients in China .


  5. The avalanche hazards consist of ones caused by the avalanches of natura and human releases .


  6. Natura has worked with its suppliers to produce sustainable packaging , including a new " green " plastic derived from sugar cane .


  7. Natura , a Brazilian cosmetics company , gives bonuses to staff who find ways to reduce the firm 's impact on the environment .


  8. First , the threshold was calculated in natura illumination according to fuzzy logic between sum of the largest differences of gray level values of column pixels and mean gray values of the image .


  9. As the absolute object , substance is not only the noumenon of understanding , but also the ultimate aim of ethic , it is just God and natura naturans .


  10. The Pulex irritans and Xenopsylla cheopis are the main fleas over the ground in plague natura foci of rattus flavipectus in Ying jiang county of Yunnan . They each take 82.47 % and 10.29 % and the peaked in summer and autumn season .
