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  • 网络纳斯;国家农业统计局
  1. In a society that seems to encourage more and more multitasking , the findings have social implications , Nass observed .


  2. When it came to such essential abilities , people who did a lot of multitasking didn 't score as well as others , Nass said .


  3. To any client , NASS looks like a large hard disk .


  4. To applications running on a network , NASS looks like an ordinary server ;


  5. NASS is the cornerstone of the new era of large-scale network computing .


  6. The realization of network attached storage system ( NASS ) needs the support of the three-hand communication protocol .


  7. This crop report is USDA 's initial NASS look at row crop yield prospects through survey and objective measurement .


  8. NASS is a product category term recently coined by Peripheral Concepts , Inc. Santa Barbara-based market research firm .


  9. NASS acts as a specialized " data mover ", pushing and pulling files such as text , images and video clips over a network .


  10. USDA 's National Agricultural Statistics Service ( NASS ) said in a statement that it gathered most of the data before the worst of the flooding occurred .


  11. Media Equation , established by Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass after 10 years hardworking , is theorized from study on relationship between human and media .


  12. The Gungans are ruled by Boss Nass and his Rep Council , from the High Tower Board Room of Otoh Gunga .


  13. The copolymerization of styrene ( St ) and ionic monomer sodium styrene sulfonate ( NaSS ) through ultrasonically initiated emulsion polymerization was studied in this paper .


  14. The main conclusions are as follows : Using the dispersion , agitation , emulsification and initiation of ultrasound , the emulsion copolymerization of St and NaSS was realized , and the affecting factors were studied .


  15. Henry Nass , a 64-year-old retired English tutor from the Upper West Side , has spent the last few weeks handing out cards championing " Global OK Day " in advance of the coming anniversary .


  16. This study explored the concept of interactivity from the users ' perspective by employing the contingency view of interactivity ( Rafaeli , 1988 ) and media equation ( Reeves & Nass , 1996 ) .


  17. But because the special structure of EV models , the study is more difficult and the problem of existence of consistent estimate of parameters in EV model is more complicated than in the classical regression model ( Cheng & Van Nass , 1999 ) .


  18. At the second stage the monomers was added into the reacting system as the conversion of first stage exceeded 90 % . The ratio of St to NaSS of the second stage monomer mixture determined the surface charge density of the ultimately prepared spheres .
