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  • 网络液压锚杆钻机;密支那;批发供应平面干涉仪;单四唑
  1. Inquiring into Increasing the Reliability of MYT Hydraulic Anchor Drill


  2. Aimed at the problems of MYT type hydraulic anchor-hole drill in use , the ways to improve the operation reliability of the drill were offered .


  3. Domestic and foreign scholars have put forward many quality diagnosis methods , such as diagnosis method based on principal component analysis , MYT decomposition method , diagnosis method based on neural network and diagnosis method based on support vector machine and so on .


  4. Based on the difference between weighted Mahalanobis distance function and traditional Mahalanobis distance function , Mason-Young-Tracy ( MYT ) orthogonal decomposition method of weighted Mahalanobis distance is put forward , and applied to potential causes analysis of multidimensional abnormal points .
