
  • n.肌原纤维


one of many contractile filaments that make up a striated muscle fiber
Synonym: myofibrilla sarcostyle


  1. In the experiment group dissolution of myofibril is reduced .


  2. Different degrees of myofibril damage were found .


  3. The myofibril ATPase activity of skeletal muscle was measured by means of common spectroscopy .


  4. No obvious changes happened in myofibril Ca 2 + ATPase activity during the whole frozen process .


  5. Basic properties of myofibril ATPase from Tilapia muscle


  6. Turbidity and viscosity properties of myofibril from scallop


  7. Pathological study on intercalated disc and myofibril of right atrium myocardium in patients with atrial fibrillation and rheumatic heart disease


  8. Characterization of High Viscosity PA6 Produced in Extruder Chain-extending Turbidity and viscosity properties of myofibril from scallop


  9. Low temperature , tea polyphenol and chitosan had a certain inhibition effect on denaturation of myofibril protein and deterioration of microstructure . 2 .


  10. The changes of myofibril fragmentation were consistent with which the incubation temperature was more influential than incubation time between normal and PSE pork .


  11. Changes of myocardial ultrastructure of rats subjected to chronic stress including nuclear membrane shrinkage , perinuclear space widening , mitochondrial swelling , myofibril breakage etc.


  12. The molecules remained as coarse and irregular aggregates at low ionic strength , and myofibril fragments assembled themselves before heating after dialysis .


  13. The effect of stretching on the extractability of protein from the myofibril of honey bee striated muscle by potassium iodide


  14. There were no significant correlation between the myofibril diameter , sarcomere length , I , A length and muscle quality traits ( P > 0.05 ) .


  15. The Surimi edibility membrane is take the myofibril protein and the sarcoplasm protein as the principal constituent preparation may the edible packing membrane .


  16. Results showed that the freshness decreases with increasing time being out of water and loosening tissue cells and myofibril fragmentation can be observed as well as the further particles formation .


  17. Result + 20 Gz and + 10 Gz exposure caused obvious edema of myocardial and endothelial cells , myofibril disorder and injuries of mitochondria and nucleus .


  18. Concerning the binding sites of myofibril with Congo red and the dichroism change with myofibril length of Congo red stained glycerinated sartorius muscle fibers


  19. Results : The content of protein , myofibril protein and myosinogen gradually descend , and nonprotein nitrogen ( NPN ) gradually increase along with the extend of fermented time .


  20. All cells have secretory and absorptive functions besides4ibblasts and granular cells in connective tissue , there are myofibril , collagenous fibril and unmyelinated fibers .


  21. Result Chaotic myofibril , hyperplasia of mitochondria , and enlargement of terminal cisterna were found in the ultrastructure of isolated soleus muscle spindle in 4 d tail suspended rats .


  22. Volume density of myofibril in AF group and SR group were 36.1 ± 10.66 % vs 43.72 ± 8.9 % ( P < 0.05 ), respectively . There was myofibril solution in AF group .


  23. Most of the skeletal muscle showed atrophy , splitting and lysis of myofibril in electron-microscopic study and mitochondria in connection with energy supply for cells were vacuolated , as resulted in the feature of neurogenic muscle atrophy .


  24. It was found that Rongchang suckling pig muscle display is dim brown red . ( 4 ) Rongchang piglet frozen process of total protein and myofibril protein solubility decreases , but the smaller the lower the temperature and the solubility changes .


  25. Ultrastructural changes included myofibril decrease or even disappearance within myocardial cell , severe cellular and mitochondrial swelling , disappearing of mitochondrial crista , endothelial swelling , decrease of electronic density with the exhibition of bulla and deformation of myocardial cellular nucleus .


  26. It was found that the myofibril ATPase activities of HC , HT and OT groups at rest only increased in some extent in comparison with Cm group , but there were not significant differences between them after 28 days ( P > 0.05 ) .


  27. Results Compared with adult group , aging group : ( 1 ) The nuclei were indented , myofibril were arranged irregularly , intercalated disk were separated , mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum were swelled , lipofuscin and residual body were increased .


  28. Results By microscope , it could be observed that , at the edge of cut , dry necrosis appeared , and in surrounding tissues , the fusion of muscle cells , the fragmentation of muscle fibers , fuzzy myofibril and the cavitation of muscle fibers were observed .


  29. [ Results ] There were no obvious changes under light microscope for all groups . Both LPS groups presents mitochondria injury , myofibril injury , irregular intercalated disc under electron microscope . LPS ( 10 mg / kg ) group had congestion and endothelial injury , too .


  30. Treated with Shenmai injection , it could alleviate cardiomyocyte degeneration in infarcted region ; myofibril and intercalated disk were more regularly than the model group . Mitochondria swelled , crista lightly ruptured even vacuolization , but it was more alleviated than model group in corresponding time .
