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  1. A report by MyCOS suggests that interpersonal relationships are the second biggest problem experienced by freshmen .


  2. Two percent of Chinese graduates in 2012 started up a business , according to data released by MyCOS , an educational data consultancy .


  3. Researchers at the Center for China and Globalization and education consultancy MyCOS analyzed responses from 20000 graduates .


  4. Female graduates working in e-commerce receive better pay and more promotions , according to a report recently published by education consultancy MyCOS .


  5. The study by education consultancy MyCOS found the monthly expenses of college students are RMB1212 excluding tuition and transportation costs between home and school .


  6. According to data released by education consulting firm MyCOS , 33 percent of graduates in 2012 quit their job in the first half-year .


  7. According to data released by MyCOS last year , 45 percent of freshmen are worried about interpersonal relationships , especially relationships with roommates .


  8. The survey , which was released by education data and consulting company MyCOS , polled more than 250000 college students who graduated in 2015 .


  9. Take the major of law as an example . This year MyCOS lists law studies as one of the 10 college majors with the highest risk of unemployment .


  10. The report by MyCOS , an education consultancy in Beijing , was based on a survey of 289000 college graduates in 31 provincial-level regions .


  11. But according to the annual graduate survey by employment research company MyCOS , about half of all graduates will end up working for privately-owned enterprises in2010 .


  12. Guo Jiao , deputy director of the MyCOS Research Institute , said the upgrading of industries comes with a need for workers with a higher education .


  13. According to MyCOS Research Institute , 28 percent of test takers in the 2012 national graduate school entrance examination applied for a major different from their bachelor 's degree .


  14. The average monthly income of Beijing college grads in 2008 , according to MyCOS , has 2,700 yuan , or about double what it was 10 years ago .


  15. The MyCOS report is based on its tracking assessment on graduates of 2015 for six months since their graduation , covering 123000 undergraduates and 127000 higher vocational college graduates .


  16. In the MyCOS and Tencent survey of more than 12,000 college freshmen from December 2010 to March 2011 , almost four in every 10 were worried by relationships .


  17. A survey last year conducted by MyCos education consultants in Beijing found that the average monthly salary for clinical medicine graduates was Rmb2339 ( $ 382 ) within six months of graduation .


  18. The employment rate of college graduates last year was 90 % , according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and MyCOS Research Institute , a Beijing-based education consulting firm .


  19. According to a poll of 2,636 college students conducted by MyCOS , a Beijing-based consultancy , more than a third of them contact their professor less than once a year .


  20. The Mycos report says that 33 percent of the respondents changed jobs for better career prospects ; 25 percent due to low payment and 13 percent just wanted to try new professions .


  21. According to data released by MyCOS Group , a consultancy , college students who major in science fields have better chances of earning a high income after graduation than students majoring in the arts .


  22. According to a recent survey conducted by MyCOS HR Digital Information Co , a consulting firm on higher education , about 40 percent of students in university admitted that they have problems with interpersonal relationships .


  23. Architectural engineering was among the cluster that witnessed an increase in jobs from 2011 to 2014 and the decline in 2015 may be a result of the tightened national policy on property , said MyCOS .


  24. In fact , regardless of when you are born there 's an eternal struggle between personality and responsibility , says Wang Boqing , PhD , president of MyCOS Data .


  25. A MyCOS Research Institute 's survey of more than 90000 students nationwide who started their university studies in 2015 and 2016 found that they often had problems related to studying , daily life , spending and relationships .


  26. An expert from MyCOS said those born in the 1990s and 2000s prefer self-expression rather than mutual understanding and tolerance , which leads to a problem in finding friends of the opposite sex .


  27. The Chinese youths who graduated from college in 2006 have , on average , change jobs twice within the first three years of their careers , according to a report released by Mycos , an education consulting and assessment agency .


  28. Guo Jiao , deputy director of the MyCOS Research Institute , said the stable employment rate last year was driven by two factors : Many college graduates went on to pursue higher academic degrees , while others started their own businesses .


  29. For those with a bachelor 's degree in computer science , the employment rate was 93.9 % in 2016 - slightly trailing electrical engineering 's 95.5 % , according to a report published by MyCOS , a company specializing in higher education data analytics .


  30. According to the latest research published by MyCOS , a Chinese company providing data analysis for higher education management , students who major in architecture , software engineering , network engineering , communication engineering , automotive engineering and mineral processing were more competitive than others in finding jobs last year .
