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  • 网络最大通气量;每分钟最大通气量;签证;分钟最大通气量;最大自主通气
  1. This means that MVV can be employed to evaluate boxer 's training load and intensity .


  2. Pulmonary function : Compared with that before exercise , the maximal ventilatory capacity MVV increased by 11 % .


  3. Compared with those before operation , MVV was increased ( P0.01 ) and residual volume was decreased ( P0.05 ) three months after operation .


  4. Methods Thirty-five patients with preoperative MVV % ≤ 50 % underwent surgical treatments and then were followed up for 5 years .


  5. Multi-view video ( MVV ) can meet the demand that many users watch TV simultaneously and it will get more attention and development in the future .


  6. The VC % and MVV % also had no correlation with rotation degree of the apex vertebra and kyphosis .


  7. There was no significant difference in MVV per minute and VC in the first second between both groups on the 14th and 21st days postoperatively .


  8. In MVV , it is also with inter-view correlation between different views but at the same time instant , besides spatial correlation and temporal correlation within a single view .


  9. It is necessary to differentiate RMCT from mitral valve prolapse ( MVP ) and mitral valve vegetation ( MVV ) by CDE .


  10. Result The morbidity rate of PTPI increased obviously in patients aged over 60 years and the patients with poor pulmonary function ( MVV < 70 % , FEV1 % < 60 % ) .


  11. The other dynamic respiratory functions had the same tendency of change as that of MVV . The respiratory frequency kept relatively stable at different depths , while the maximal respiratory amplitude decreased significantly in some depths .


  12. _ ( 15 ), (?) _ ( 50 ) and FEP as indices of small airway function in addition to VC , MVV , FEV_1 % and MMEF .


  13. And a more reasonable MVV regression formula for moderate and severe COPD was deduced with the actual values of pulmonary function parameters of these patients as independent variable and actual MVV as the dependent variable by progressive regression .


  14. The results showed significant differences in each of VC , % VC , ERV , IRV , MVV and expiratory flow indicated by MEFV curve ( P < 0.05 % ) after epidural block .


  15. Monitor and comparison of lung function : The main preoperative and postoperative observation indexes were the forced vital capacity ( FVC ) , the maximum vital capacity ( MVV ) , and the first second forced expiratory volume ( FEV1 ) ?


  16. Pulmonary function : Compared with those before operation , maximal ventilatory volume ( MVV ) was decreased and residual volume was increased at postoperative day 14 ( P0.05 ), and they returned to the preoperative levels one month after operation ( P0.05 ) .


  17. Compared 10 dragon-players of Jishou University with 10 normal students , we found that : 1 ) FVC 、 MVV 、 MVV / BSA of dragon-players are significantly higher than those of the control students ( P < 0.05 );


  18. The lung function tests included maximal voluntary ventilation ( MVV % ), forced vital capacity ( FVC ), force expiratory volume ( FEV 1 ) and RV / TLC % ( residual volume , RV ; total lung capacity , TLC ) .


  19. These data indicate that mechanical ventilatory limitation is greater when estimated by VEmax / VEmaxCal and VEmax / FEV1 × 37.5 than by the Vmax / MVV , especially for subjects with mild or moderate CAL .


  20. In addition , it can improve hemorrheology , raise PaO 2 , FEV 1 % and MVV and decrease PaCO 2 ( P < 0 05 ~ 0 01 ) . It is presented some characteristic , such as high survival rate , initial cure quickly and lower sideeffect .
