multivariate population

  • 多变量总体;多变量群体
multivariate populationmultivariate population
  1. On the test of the example from a multivariate normal population


  2. Approximation Computing for Tolerance Factors in Multivariate Normal Population


  3. A PPS Sampling Method of Multivariate Finite Population


  4. Implementation of test of hypothesis of multivariate normal population by using IML procedure and macro ;


  5. The most stringent somewhere most powerful one sided test of the asymptotic multivariate normal population mean & The application of the ranked set sample ;


  6. In a lot of backgrounds , we are required to give statistical inference of μ and Σ , which are parameters of multivariate normal population N_p (μ,Σ) .


  7. Abstract In this paper , we established basic methods and theories of multivariate sampling and proved the central limit theorem , this is the theoretical foundation of statistical inference in multivariate finite population .
