- n.粘蛋白

Study of Relationship between Liver Cirrhosis Ultrasound and Serum Mucoprotein Synchronous Test
The bacteria and mucoprotein were treated by heat to determine the adhesion rate of Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli .
Role of Cholesterol Phospholipid Cholic Acid and Mucoprotein in the Crystallization of Gallbladder Stone
The secretions contain protein , mucoprotein and glucoprotein , but do not contain calcium .
After infection serum monoamine oxidase and mucoprotein increased markedly , while plasm hydroxyproline and proline decreased evidently .
And then contents of mucoprotein in stratum medium of blood-serum and the III-type collagen was detected .
Results Sialic mucoprotein is a main content in nomal biliary epithelia . Sulfuric mucoprotein was increased during malignant change of biliary epithelia .
The mid-lateral amd mid-dorsal of cercarial body contain granule-shaped masses mucoprotein and diastase-fast PAS positive substances .
In order to study the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis , serum monoamine oxidase , mucoprotein , plasma proline and hydroxyproline were determined on7 rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum .
Mucoprotein treated by trypsin did not affect the adhesion of Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli , reduced significantly ( p0.05 ) the adhesion of Escherichia coli when treated by Sodium iodate .
Results : The contents of total cholesterol , mucoprotein , total phospholipid and total cholic acid in the gallbladder bile of control group were almost the same during the whole feeding process , and there was no shaped stone crystal formation .
In the early stage of pigmental gallstone formation , the contents of malondialdehyde ( MDA ), mucoprotein ( MP ),β glucuronidase (β G ) and total bilirubin ( TB ) in gallbladder bile were determined .
Results : There was high rate of attachment of blastocysts that were indigested external mucoprotein and partial zona pellucida in 96 h culture ( 85.29 % , 29 / 34 ) and growth of ICM was excellent ;