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  • 网络媒体播放器;媒体播放;流媒体;媒体播放机
  1. Through an analysis of MPlayer , an embedded media player is designed , and successfully applied to the embedded system .


  2. MPlayer : Learn more about the MPlayer movie player .


  3. Setting up the root file system and transplanting mplayer player to the board to complete the software development platform of the advertising machine system . 3 .


  4. MPlayer is also required , along with any of the associated video codecs you may require to read or write your desired movie formats .


  5. Using MPlayer to extract frames of any video into jpeg files , we will process the images using a Perl script to composite them into sequence .


  6. We will use MPlayer and a simple Perl script to automate the extraction of frames from the source files into jpeg files on disk .


  7. The producer script iterates over the introduction , acts , scenes , and end , playing the events in order using Mplayer or Festival , as required .


  8. The next field , engine , is a number that represents which program is going to announce the information , whether it be Festival or MPlayer or some other sound manager .


  9. This solution would call for multiple sound output devices ( on many systems , programs such as Festival and MPlayer can direct the output to a specific device ) or coordinated input to one device .


  10. Note that if you do not have MPlayer installed correctly , or you are missing codecs required to decode your selected video streams , this step of the process will fail .


  11. In this example , the-vo jpeg option tells MPlayer to extract the frames as jpeg images into the current directory , then all the files are moved to the tile directory for that file .
