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  • 网络准同型相界;产甲烷菌;相界;混凝土快速修补料;最小多项式基
  1. Compared to other methods in increasing the sensitive , MPB also maintains a high spatial resolution .


  2. Electric induced fatigue characteristics of PZT ceramics near MPB


  3. The amounts of MPB had no marked difference in soil at different depths .


  4. Research of Slip Power for MPB


  5. Application of MPB 5-HD Pd / C catalyst to PTA plant


  6. Whatever the baby is lacking could be the same that is causing mpb .


  7. Pretty much all of them agree that Male pattern baldness ( MPB ) is usually genetic .


  8. A new Ferroelectric Crystal LNN with MPB Composition


  9. Findings show that both MPB and MTB have effective inhibition on Marine Chlorella and are environment-friendly .


  10. The Influence of Piezoelectric Phases on the Performances of 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites Study on Properties of PMN-PT Piezoceramics Near MPB


  11. Study of the experimental data indicated that the quaternary system exhibited a well-situated property at morphotropic phase boundary ( MPB ) .


  12. The magnetic powder clutch ( MPC ) and brake ( MPB ) are high qulity elements for automatic controlling and regulating .


  13. After evaluate the characteristics of MPB , we mathematically model the collimators in two dimension , and calculate the system matrix with opening angle correction .


  14. All the surfactants were largely adsorbed on soil and the sorption followed MPB Tween 80 SDBS .


  15. Using a CZ-200 magnetic particle brake ( MPB ), a simulation loading system was designed for carrying out tests with a soil bin tester .


  16. With improvement of the control system and feedback program , the properties of MPB were promoted and the loading precision as well as response speed of the system were enhanced .


  17. For the modification to the MPB through the alcohol B and alcohol ether B esterification , the best esterification degree was 60-100 % .


  18. Furthermore , the air-bubble parameters were analyzed , which indicates that MPB mortar and concrete can also obtained reasonable air-bubble structure by chemical reactions .


  19. Objective To investigate the differential expression of proteins in bone marrow ( BM ) and mobilized peripheral blood ( MPB ) CD34 + cells .


  20. Meanwhile , the high lattice energy of morphotropic phase boundary ( MPB ) and the appearance of tetragonal contribute a lot in the enhancement of dielectric property .


  21. Based on the working principle of magnetic particle brake ( MPB ), the mathematic model of the MPB was established with the analysis of its parameters for the hybrid-driven experimental platform .


  22. On the basis of getting the model of MPB , this paper designs a self-learning fuzzy neural network controller to control the MPB . The simulation results validate the feasibility of the controller .


  23. Umbilical cord blood ( UCB ) is an alternative source to bone marrow ( BM ) and mobilized peripheral blood ( MPB ) of hematopoietic stem cells .


  24. Shanghai Municipal Personnel Bureau ( hereinafter referred to as MPB ) is in charge of the recruitment of talented personnel and responsible for the implementation of these Provisions .


  25. Experimental results show that MPB materials themselves have high deicer frost resistance , which is not lower than that of OPC concrete with the air content of 4 5 % ~ 6 5 % .


  26. Mononuclear cells were isolated from mobilized peripheral blood ( MPB ) by density gradient centrifugation over Ficoll . CD34 + cells were purified by using an immunomagnetic bead separation system .


  27. The study was focused on the key factors influencing the setting time and strength of MPB , the bonding property of MPB to old concrete and the kinetic feature of the hydration of MPB .


  28. Fire retarded epoxy resin of MPB ( MPB / EP ) was researched by the limiting oxygen index and The mechanism for flame retardancy of MPB was pilot studied .


  29. Maleated polybutadiene ( MPB ) must be reacted with diamine to produce imide polybutadiene which was neutralized by acid to make cathodic electrodeposted coating .


  30. Effect of Lanthanide Oxide Additives on Structure and Electrical Properties of ( Na_ ( 0.5 ) Bi_ ( 0.5 )) _ ( 1-x ) Ba_xTiO_3 Ceramic with a Composition Near MPB
