most liberal

美 [moʊst ˈlɪbərəl]英 [məʊst ˈlɪbərəl]
  • adj.(政治经济上)自由的;开明的;支持(社会、政治或宗教)变革的;(旧时)英国自由党的;(英国以外国家)自由党的;宽宏大度的;心胸宽阔的
  • liberal的最高级
most liberalmost liberal
  1. So , I was the most liberal cloud .


  2. Even the most liberal nations impose limits relating to slander , copyright infringement or incitement to commit a crime .


  3. He was most liberal where money would bring him a powerful or necessary political adherent .


  4. Denmark has one of the most liberal labour markets in Europe .


  5. He is proposing one of the most liberal budgets in decades .


  6. I told him the squire was the most liberal of men .


  7. Now is the most liberal time I ended it , I will not see it fade .


  8. It was voted on after most liberal and leftist groups withdrew from the assembly .


  9. Yet if what is noblest , most liberal , and most independent is also most useful , Logic has some claim to the latter character .


  10. Service companies , such as insurance and telecommunications companies are the most liberal but manufacturing , wholesale and government organisations tend to be a more uptight .


  11. The contempt for reason and scientific analysis by even the most liberal of the romanticists was certainly a serious handicap to any permanent solution of humanity 's problems .


  12. YUAN Mei , as a poet with most liberal ideas in the middle period of the Qing Dynasty , exercises a profound impact with his poetic theory and creation .


  13. Second , that position is being taken in two jurisdictions – the UK and potentially the Netherlands – that are among the world 's most liberal in terms of foreign ownership .


  14. The most liberal publication in the city was the news bulletin put out by the United States Information Service which reprinted articles from American newspapers , some of them about China .


  15. Yuan Mei was a poet with most liberal ideas in the middle period of the Qing dynasty , an initiator of natural disposition and soul theory and leaders of its poem school .


  16. The four most liberal justices , three of them women , wrote that Wal-Mart 's predominantly male managers were steeped in a corporate culture that perpetuates gender stereotypes .


  17. Many terminally ill foreigners particularly from Germany , France and Britain travel to Switzerland to commit suicide , taking advantage of the Swiss rules which are among the world 's most liberal .


  18. Additionally , Estonia is among the ten most liberal economies in the world and in2006 switched from being classified as an upper-middle income economy to a high-income economy by the World Bank .


  19. With Thursday 's acquittal , it appears that Wilders'once-radical words are now more mainstream in a country that for decades was viewed as one of the most liberal and tolerant in the world .


  20. It is no surprise that two of the fastest growing , highest income earning and highest rated Asian economies Hong Kong and Singapore are among the most liberal , with the most robust capital markets .


  21. He led it back from the brink of civil war , forming a government of national unity that demolished apartheid and established a constitution that is one of the most liberal in the world in terms of human rights-outlawing , for example ,


  22. Most good liberal arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4 , 000 for a reason ;


  23. First , only the most blinkered liberal could deny that the terms of trade in the debate between freedom and order have become more favourable to the latter .


  24. Most good liberal arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4 , 000 for a reason ; college is a time to explore , and a smaller community is more conducive to internal exploration .


  25. As the most prestigious liberal thinker in the twentieth century , Berlin has made the most classic interpretation of freedom . He puts forward the distinction between negative freedom and positive freedom , and defends negative liberty .


  26. Studies have found that most of the liberal arts graduate students live in good condition , they can clearly know the purpose of their study and life , and have a positive emotional experience .


  27. I also talked about the work we are doing in releasing the XAML documentation for WPF under the Open Specification Promise – this is the most open and liberal way to license this technology .


  28. Those professions keep their level , however , with other occupations , and notwithstanding these discouragements , all the most generous and liberal spirits are eager to crowd into them .


  29. Browder 's tale , however , shows that it remains a struggle to protect human rights within America 's own shores - even in a prison that lies a few short miles from some of the most gilded and liberal neighbourhoods of New York .


  30. Most Western societies are liberal in outlook .
