moon around

moon aroundmoon around
  1. The boys have nothing to do but moon around in the streets .


  2. The sun disturbs the elliptical motion of the moon around the earth .


  3. China plans to send its Chang'e 5 probe to the moon around the end of the year and bring lunar samples back to Earth .


  4. They remainder problem about how to explain the circulation of , for example , the moon around the earth , how do we explain that ?


  5. By repeatedly measuring the distance between them , scientists can calculate the orbits of the Earth and the moon around the sun relative to each other .


  6. We the Earth around the sun to the track known as the ecliptic , the moon around the Earth to the track known as the White Road .


  7. Who knows , today 's Grand Theft Auto or Halo addict may end up discovering a new moon around Saturn or finding a cure for cancer .


  8. The hand put the earth on a place that is to-the-point distance to the sun , and put the moon around it to produce tide , which makes creatures grow .


  9. Other orders include the Chang'e-5 lunar probe mission that is expected to bring back soil from the moon around 2017 , and the much-anticipated space station 's core module that will be launched around 2020 .


  10. The moon revolves around the earth .


  11. The spaceman will drive his moon car around to study the moon .


  12. Chinese calendar is primarily a lunar calendar based on the moon turning around the earth .


  13. The electrons circle around the nucleus just as the moon travels around the earth .


  14. It applied equally to the apple falling from the tree and the moon going around the earth .


  15. The moon orbits around the earth ; the planets are orbiting the sun .


  16. E.g : The moon revolves around the earth , which revolves around the sun .


  17. In this sample , the goal is to create the illusion of a spherical moon rotating around its vertical axis .


  18. The moon revolves around the earth in such a manner that it always faces the latter with the same side .


  19. M : Well , it 's because the earth and moon rotate around a common center of gravity that 's located somewhere inside the earth .


  20. In the course of its monthly elliptical orbit , the moon moves around Earth at an average distance of roughly a quarter of a million miles .


  21. As the moon travels around the earth , we can only see the sunlight falling on part of it resulting in crescent moons and half moons .


  22. As I 'm sure you know , we found that there was a moon orbiting around an asteroid , first time ever that was suspected . Once again , you know , the planets and the contents in our solar system rewrote our history books for us in an encounter of an afternoon .


  23. The month depends on the moon 's journey around the earth .


  24. How many spacecraft have orbited around the moon ? run around the bases , in baseball .


  25. N : I don 't understand why we have high tides twice daily & the moon only revolves around the earth once a day .


  26. Last December China made headline with an unmanned lander and robotic rover generally touched down on the moon and drove around .


  27. If the equivalence principle were violated , the moon 's orbit around the Earth would appear skewed , either towards or away from the sun .


  28. Americans hit golf balls on the moon and drove around in lunar jalopies cars and golf , being two American obsessions .


  29. This happens about once or twice a year , on the average , but not each month since the Moon 's orbit around the Earth is slightly tilted .


  30. The Moon may be flying around our Earth in an oval-shaped .
