
美 [ˈmɑːnoʊθiɪzəm]英 [ˈmɒnəʊθiɪzəm]
  • n.一神论;一神教

派生词: monotheist n.;monotheistic adj.



the belief that there is only one God

compare polytheism


belief in a single God


  1. We are acquiring an understanding of the history of monotheism .


  2. Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism . Every nation has its own peculiar character .


  3. And biblical monotheism , biblical religion , assumes that this God is inherently good .


  4. The history of religion credits Judaism for ethical monotheism , where God was one God who created us in his image .


  5. Confucian monotheism and its position


  6. The God of Socrates was the intermediary of the transformation from polytheism to monotheism .


  7. The system of the Abraham religious holds that monotheism is the highest stage in the development of the faith , it is worth considering .


  8. The development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism .


  9. As well as giving an elegant summary of modern thinking about religion , Mr Wade also offers a brief , provocative history of monotheism .


  10. Besides that , the conflict between pantheism in Japanese traditional culture and monotheism in western Christian Faith is one of the important issues in his literary works .


  11. To trace it to its source , it results from the difference between the monotheism in the north and the poly theism in the south .


  12. It is shown that the background of Judaism , especially monotheism and tradition of Hebrew prophet , has an important influence on the construction of critical theory .


  13. The logic clue is about the dispute between monotheism and pantheism , polytheism and idol worship .


  14. As an ethical monotheism , Judaism must give up the confirmation of knowledge of the Unique God and adopt the moral proof for the existence of the Lord .


  15. Scientists have identified Akhenaten , the " heretic " king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt , as Tutankhamun 's father .


  16. Judaism can only be ethical monotheism . Man believes in God and at the same time believes in himself . Life is filled with freedom of choice and moral responsibility .


  17. When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society , states come into being and become the supreme form of communities , ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture .


  18. It is closely combined with Jewish rites , reverting back to the history , reiterating the commandments , and maintaining the pure religious institution of monotheism .


  19. Some scholars believe Akhenaten 's monotheism , a historic first , inspired the Hebrew prophets , but it had the more immediate effect of freeing Egypt 's artists .


  20. The Confucian monotheism , deviating from the Neo-Confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values , constituted a new trend of thought together with the Western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries .


  21. In order to keep and let other ethnic groups accept their monotheism , the Christian leader faced how to explain the confusion of monotheism thinking , at last , they solved this problem by using some plots .


  22. Traditional religions embody such concepts as monotheism , animism , vitalism , spirit and ancestor worship , witchcraft , and sorcery and vary widely among ethnic groups ; none is formalized .


  23. The religion absorbed the core of ancient Greek and Roman cultures and it 's an embodiment of classical tradition . The rise of Christian culture was also the result of the victory of monotheism over polytheism .


  24. The worship of human beings can be summed up in three points : natural world 、 human beings and reality , and correspondingly , the religions of human beings have undergone three forms : polytheism 、 monotheism and high religion .


  25. However , this critic approach tends to eliminate or neglect the connotation of sex in order to criticize the desires for consumption and power , all of which may result in the sex confrontation and the monotheism of evaluation in regard to societal construction .
