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  • 网络福特 蒙迪欧
  1. Top Gear : Why would you choose a BMW3-series over a new Ford Mondeo ?


  2. The same vehicle , with minor differences , will be sold in Europe and China as the Mondeo and in South America dubbed the fusion .


  3. He 'll make do with a stolen Ford Mondeo or an old banger .


  4. Being an all-new flagship model different from current Mondeo in design , configuration and technology , it features the best-ever technology and art in Ford Europe 's history .


  5. " Zhi " has become Mondeo users'attitude to work and life : doing everything to its best in the office while enjoying life heartily with limitless originality at home .


  6. Ford Mondeo from winning the European R & D center , won the European car in the manipulation of the essence , a solid chassis and suspension as a move winning killers reach .
