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  • 网络毫摩尔;血糖;毫克分子;毫摩
  1. It was found that the binding efficiency of NAPM could reach 74 % when its concentration was 7 mmol / 100g BR .


  2. Results indicated that as long as the concentration of the alcohol exceeded 500 mmol ?


  3. The highest adsorption capacity for metal ion Cu (ⅱ) is 1.12 mmol / g dry fiber .


  4. The adipic acid had high yield and purity at phosphoric acid amount of 2.5 mmol .


  5. Shoot dry weight was increased by 11.2 % at high Zn treatment ( 16 mmol Zn / kg ) .


  6. When the drying time increased from 5 to 20 min , lactone content increased 19.70 mmol / kg .


  7. Specific activity of the product is 15.54 GBq / mmol , radiochemical purity 95.7 % .


  8. By ROC curve analysis , the normal value of random UmAlb / C ratio was 3mg / mmol Cr.


  9. The magnetic composite polymer microsphere with 0.24 mmol / g amido groups and 22 % enwrapping efficiency were prepared .


  10. Acidification treatment of activated carbon increased its acid content from 0.16mmol/g to 1.83 mmol / g , therefore its catalytic activity was improved .


  11. Its specific activity and radio - chemical purity are 1.5 × 10 ~ 3GBq / mmol and 95 % respectively .


  12. The result show that the polymer has good adsorption properties for Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and the static adsorption capacity reaches 1.775 mmol / g.


  13. The specific activity of these products is between 14-19 Ci / mmol and the radiochemical purity is more than 98 % .


  14. The results showed that the content of chlorophyll was up to peak value at 0.2 mmol / kg of Cu2 + concentration and decreased afterwards .


  15. The moderate concentration ( 7 5 mmol · kg - 1 ) EDTA application had the highest efficiency of Pb phytoextraction .


  16. The static adsorption capacity for Hg2 + was 2.54 mmol / g , and the adsorption rate was over 97 % . 3 .


  17. The antioxidant activity of the melanin was determined , and it was 0.25 g / g ( or 1.42 mmol / g ) .


  18. The tensile strength and elongation at break of ionomer increased with increasing ionic group content from 1.23 mmol / g to 1.69 mmol / g.


  19. In vivo test showed apparent apoptosis of heart and brain cells when HCY was administered at the concentration of 0 . 74 mmol / kg or higher .


  20. When the amount of catalyst was between 0.2-0.4 mmol / 100 g polymer , the hydrogenation efficiency can reach 98 % after hydrogenation for 2 hours .


  21. The contents of myocyte total calcium in central rats , ischemic rats were 119.0 ± 17.5 and 135.8 ± 26.5 mmol / Kg dry weight , respectively ;


  22. The anion exchange capacity of studied Al Mg MMH is about 2.82 mmol / g , which is much larger than the cation exchange capacity of clays .


  23. Its CEC reached 67.88mmol/100g bentonite and was improved 24 mmol / 100g compared to crude mine when the bentonite was modified in optimum process condition .


  24. 【 Result 】 The ranges of total antioxidant capacity ( TAC ), total phenolics and anthocyanin contents in 127 black soybean accessions were 0.44-3.56 mmol .


  25. After nitric acid treatment , the titania ion-seives with rutile phase were prepared and the equilibrium adsorption amount of lithium ion is 0.7 mmol / g.


  26. Whereas , for dolomite , in the order of 10 - 8 mmol / cm 2 · s , or 200 mm / ka .


  27. Oxidized by HNO_3 ( 1:1 ) and then calcined under 300 ℃, the active carbon has higher cation exchange capacity , and reaches 1.88 mmol / g.


  28. It was observed that low NaCl ( 0 . 2 % or 34 mmol / 1 ) caused a slight increase in the plasma membrane ATPase activity from rice roots .


  29. Results ( 1 ) urine 8-iso-PGF2 α content from normal neonates was ( 28.3 ± 9.5 ) ng / mmol · Cr 1st week after birth .


  30. Pretreatment with ruthenium red ( 40 mmol / kg ), a capsaicin receptor antagonist , complete-ly abolished the effect of capsaicin ;
