military machine

美 [ˈmɪləteri məˈʃiːn]英 [ˈmɪlətri məˈʃiːn]
  • 网络军用机器
military machinemilitary machine


the military forces of a nation
their military is the largest in the region
the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker
Synonym: military armed forces armed services war machine


  1. The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action


  2. The absolute monarch has the most perfect military machine at his command .


  3. The biggest hurdle : moving the massive military machine across the desert .


  4. The drive wheel of the world 's strongest military machine was grasped by an Austrian street agitator .


  5. A military machine for hurling missiles , such as large stones or spears , used in ancient and medieval times .


  6. Our objective is to incapacitate their military machine and ensure they will never again ghreaten the security of the region .


  7. Customers of the Drive-A-Tank company can drive old Cold War tanks around a 20-acre wooded course and shoot historic military machine guns .


  8. Even the mighty US – with the largest economy and the most advanced military machine in the world – was unable to win in either Iraq or Afghanistan .


  9. At that time , the War Production Board , whose job was to harness the civilian economy to the military machine , set up a department to help improve quality in the military .


  10. We know senior figures in Assads military machine reviewed the results of the attack , and the regime increased their shelling of the same neighborhoods in the days that followed .


  11. And demanding an immediate cease fire , it means that stopping this massive Israeli military machine from doing all these criminal things against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip .


  12. And after the discrete mathematic model for stability analysis and design a set of military reinforcement machine load of embedded system with ac servo device combined with the dynamic control system .


  13. Angle information is an important parameter in the radar antennas , gun control of military and CNC machine tool industry control area .


  14. During the developing process , I had also taken charge of writing The National Military Standards of Normal Machine Tool Network Management System which has already promulgated and implemented .


  15. Military Field Operation Box Feeding Truck , Special Vehicle for Missiles and Military Stacking Machine , etc ;
