
  • n.(测,显)微观物理(学)
  1. Laboratory studies of microphysics processes of ice ( snow ) crystal


  2. Clear air aerosol microphysics features in the lower troposphere in Beijing


  3. A Numerical Simulation of Cloud Microphysics Parameters for Sustaining Snowfall in Shandong Province


  4. One-dimension numerical model of radiation fog with detailed microphysics


  5. Numerical study on cloud microphysics of stratocumulus - topped marine boundary


  6. The interaction between turbulent and cloud microphysics is considered .


  7. A numerical simulation on dynamics and microphysics of convective precipitation over meso-scale mountain


  8. Analysing the modeling results , some details of the cloud structures and the microphysics processes are discussed .


  9. Observation Research on Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation Affection of Stratiform Cloud Seeding by Liquid Carbon Dioxide


  10. Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Ice Phase Microphysics in Cumulus Clouds . Part II : Effects of Multiplication Processes


  11. Aerosols also affect cloud microphysics because they act as nuclei around which water droplets or ice forms .


  12. Aircraft Observation on Cloud Microphysics and Aerosol in the Beijing and Surrounding Regions in Autumn , 2003


  13. The microphysics characteristic of precipitable stratiform clouds in spring and autumn , Hebei Province .


  14. When there is no severe convection weather system , none of the microphysics parameterization processes has obvious effect on the simulation results .


  15. Microphysics Features of Stratiform Clouds Precipitation in Harbin


  16. There were no snow in the simulated results , and it was due possibly to the particular cloud microphysics field of South China .


  17. Numerical Simulation and Analysis on the Cloud Microphysics Fields of " 98.5 " Heavy Rainfall of South China in Pre-Summer Flood Season


  18. The atmospheric aerosol influences the climate by scattering and absorbing solar radiation , as well as cloud forming and its microphysics property .


  19. And the active microphysics process near the ground and stronger radiative cooling on the top of the fog result in the burst development of fog .


  20. After analyzing the seeding function of the improved model and the microphysics processes of seeding ice crystal , as well as its effect in hail suppression .


  21. Finally , the effects on simulation of different microphysics options , radiation options , cumulus options and the lower resolution grids were discussed by using four sensitivity experiments .


  22. Aerosols directly influence the climate by scattering solar radiations back to space and absorbing solar radiations , also indirectly influence the cloud forming and microphysics .


  23. A hail cloud model that is two dimensional elastic non hydrostatic , uses a terrain following coordinate system and includes double parameters for ice phase microphysics , has been developed .


  24. The increase of model resolution , for some cloud microphysics scheme , conducive to forecast heavy rainfall intensity but has very little impacts on the scope and distribution of heavy rainfall .


  25. Ice phase cloud microphysics processes have significant effects on mesoscale processes and their thermal and dynamical structure , especially for precipitate production and maintenance of heavy rainfall during its early developing stage .


  26. His systems of microphysics of power not only corrected and supplemented Marxist perspectives on political economy and history ( class struggle ) but also challenged the integral revolutionary theory and dualism .


  27. The developments of aircraft icing forecasting and of research on cloud microphysics parameters is reviewed . The application of the cloud microphysical parameters to aircraft icing forecasting is analyzed and discussed .


  28. The temporal and spatial evolution of simulated velocity and cloud microphysics fields show that the coupling of vertical velocity and vapor distribution is a criteria for vapor condensation and freezing that results in snow .


  29. The results show that the combinations of Goddard microphysics parameterization , Grell cumulus parameterization and cloud / RRTM radiation parameterization in the third nested grids are superior to the others , especially the forecast of downfall and rainstorm .
