memory organization

美 [ˈmeməri ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃn]英 [ˈmeməri ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn]
  • 网络存储器组织;存储器结构
memory organizationmemory organization
  1. Memory organization of artificial intelligence system


  2. This paper also offers the implementation method of software and hardware in detail , including the memory organization of TMS320C5402 and the design of interface ;


  3. Memory Organization and Allocation in Concurrent C Implementation on a Distributed System


  4. Some new researches of object-oriented linear memory organization module


  5. A Study on the Memory Organization for a Sequential PROLOG Machine


  6. There are three key aspects in implementing such a system : memory organization , data synchronization and communication .


  7. Retrograde amnesia , frontal lobe , and remote memory organization


  8. Memory organization relates to internal memory capacity and structure . Application of the random storage model to the case of a limited-space storehouse ;


  9. According to the principles of real time , reliability and high accuracy , a memory organization of storing programs and data in different areas is used in the system .


  10. A new memory organization strategy is proposed to reduce the memory consumption of low-frequency code words . The method of creating address by code words is improved .


  11. This Viterbi decoder has low latency , efficient memory organization , and low hardware complexity compared with other Viterbi decoders using traditional trace-back methods .


  12. And the main differences between them are : [ 256,252 ] RS code can correct two symbol errors and it is usually used to protect the stored data in the memory organization ;


  13. The method converting the wavelet with float lifted factor to the integer wavelet and the memory organization approach are valuable for designing specific acceleration hardwire for other wavelet transform .


  14. Then further optimizations related to memory organization and cache efficiency , Streaming SIMD Instructions , and the parallel process using Hyper-threading technology have been efficiently implemented on Intel Pentium 4 based computer .


  15. This article introduce the principle of Digital Signal Processor , specially refer to basic concept and design technique , include : instruction set , pipeline , memory organization , hardware interface , adder , multiplier , clock strategy , test technique .


  16. Combining MOP ( Memory Organization Package ) structure and ideas from semantic model , a general case organization method , i. e. an abstraction based hierarchical case organization method is described , especially , the data structures and algorithms for its implementation is also given .


  17. A MAIN MEMORY DATABASE ORGANIZATION AND RECOVERY TECHNIQUES IN REAL-TIME DATABASE SYSTEMS The research and application of artificial intelligence in technology of database organization


  18. This paper briefly describes the architectures and memory system organization of DSP system , and introduces some software optimizing technologies for VLIW DSP system through examples .


  19. The Application of Laws of Memory to Scientific Organization of Computer Teaching in Technical Secondary Schools SCIENCE


  20. There are three aspects that affect the cache utilization rate : the access mode of data , the data allocation mode in memory and the organization of cache .


  21. Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory : meaningfulness , organization , association , and visualization .


  22. Agile organization network have the nature of topology , and its network character meets the basic hypothesis of neural network technique . This paper studies associative memory model of agile organization network through neural network idea .


  23. By adopting special memory format and state information registers , an efficient memory organization method is presented , whose main characteristics include the simplification of the coding-decoding , pipelined data processing , and a significant reduction of read-write memory accesses .


  24. The base state amending model solves the space and time data memory problem , but the object-oriented data model solves the space and time data organization problem , and the two unions may effectively solve the space and time data memory and the organization .


  25. By modeling the memory hierarchy as a weighted graph , our method is applicable to any software-managed memory hierarchy organization .


  26. Processor speed has been increasing at a much greater rate than memory speed leading to the so called processor-memory gap . In order to compensate for this gap in performance , modern computers rely heavily on a hierarchical memory organization with a small amount of fast memory called cache .
