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  • 网络小惠;恵美;遥惠美;林原惠美
  1. Miss megumi , do you know about " the lucky locker "?


  2. Megumi Ochiai was born in1970 in Saitama Prefecture , Japan .


  3. Megumi Tomita of NSK says papers have managed to make up for advertising losses by modernising their printing plants .


  4. Megumi : I know you 've been resistant in the past , but what about corporate sponsorship ? I 'm sure we can find businesses that want to support us .


  5. Ms. Yokota said no new details of Megumi were revealed , saying she didn 't ask since she did not want political affairs to come in the way of the meeting .


  6. ' She looked very similar to what Megumi looked like , ' Ms. Yokota said , adding that Ms. Kim treated them with her own cooking during the meeting .


  7. North Korea in 2002 acknowledged abducting Megumi and 12 other Japanese , and said she died in 1994 after marrying a South Korean abductee and giving birth to a girl .


  8. Without water and electricity , we can 't doanything . Without the TV , we can 't even get information about disaster reliefoperations , " Megumi Kudo told the Associated Press while queuing for water ata community centre in Aso city . We can 't take a bath - not even a shower . "
